Monday, April 11, 2011

One Busy Woman

    That would be me!! :-)  Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Now that I'm a mommy of two, I can't quite find the time in my day to blog very often. Little Haleigh requires so much more work than our little Noah did...she is just so high maintenance *grin* which we should have expected out of a baby girl. She is already "almost" sleeping through the night...and she is not even two weeks old. Since we brought her home, the most she has woken up any night to eat was only one time. We are truly blessed in the department. But, when she is awake, she wants to be held constantly...which would be perfectly fine if I didn't have a toddler to keep up with too. The second we lay her down, she starts wailing...and yes, I do mean wailing. Noah just whined a little bit, but this kid has got a great set of lungs, lol. Anyways, trying to adjust to being a parent of two isn't as easy as I thought it would be...but I am loving every single second of it. I know that things will get easier as soon as I'm all  healed up from my c-section...which I'm hoping won't be longer than a couple more weeks. Anyways, just wanted to do a quick update....I hope all of you are doing well! :-)

1 comment:

  1. :) praying things become a little less hectic over the next few weeks.
