Friday, July 29, 2011

Well Visits

     I totally forgot to update with a post about Noah and Haleigh's well visits for this past week. Noah went for his 18 month on Tuesday. It was the first doctors appointment I have missed with either of the kids, but that's because I was at the eye doctor learning that I'm some sort of medical marvel and finding out how to be a pirate for the next few months or so...let me just say, I am totally rocking the eye patch!!! *grin*  Noah is 32 1/2 inches long and weighs 22 pounds. Dr. Beazely says he is right on track for growth and from what he can tell from his growth chart, he shouldn't grow up to be an obese teenager...which made me happy. :-)  Haleigh went yesterday for hers and weighed in at 12 1/2 pounds and was 22 1/4 inches long. I compared her four month to Noah's and they are exactly the same on everything except for weight...she is two pounds lighter than he was. I'm guessing that's probably because she doesn't eat a bottle at night anymore and he did up until he was probably six or seven months old. So was nice getting to hear how well she is doing. The funniest part of her visit was when the nurse gave her, her shots. Haleigh looked the nurse dead in the face, started pouting which quicly turned into screaming/lip quivering, and didn't break her gaze. She started that nurse down until I even felt like telling the nurse I was sorry for her...what a crappy job to have; making babies cry. :-(  But yeah, besides that, everything went really well.
     Right now, both of the kids are asleep for their naps and I'm so grateful. It's so hard to make it through my days now that I only have vision in one eye. It's been giving me horrible headaches everyday and that just puts me in a bad mood. I have to work extra hard to remain positive, but even so, I am trusting God with this. I know that He is giving me this to make me stronger...I won't let this break me. I guess I will get off of here now so that I can rest my eyes for a while and then maybe get some housework done. Hope each of you has a blessed day.

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