Friday, August 5, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

     My kids are driving me CA-RAZY. Noah has reached this stage where he can't go anywhere without his blankets and at least two of his stuffed animals.
Noah and his Blankies!

 It wouldn't be so bad but if I forget one of them, he throws an enormous temper tantrum. Not only is it embarrassing but it makes me just want to sit down and cry. I hate complaining but I am just so tired. Not only do I feel like I am physically worn out, but mentally too. Every time Noah has a melt down or Haleigh is screaming because she is tired or hungry, I have to keep telling myself not to get overwhelmed but to stay calm and maintain a positive attitude. And some days (pretty much every single day this week) that is SO hard to do. From the time I wake up in the morning (normally around 6 or so) until the time we put the kids to bed at night (around 8:30ish) it's GO, GO, GO!!! And then, I have to take my bath and get ready for bed (normally around 10:00). That leaves very little time to read my Bible during the day and if I don't have that, I feel like I'm losing every single battle that I face each day. I'm stressed, super tired, and at the end of my rope. I NEED a bible study with friends, I NEED at least an hour a day to spend in uninterrupted prayer and studying God's word, but the devil is trying to stop that from happening every way possible. Please just say a prayer that the Lord will provide the answers that I need right now, patience to get through these rough days, and plenty of time to spend in His word.  Even my blog writing takes hours to finish a post because I'll write  sentence, run to take care of something for the kids, write another sentence...and so it goes. I know this phase won't last forever and that I will miss it one day. I don't want my readers to think I"m complaining about my little ones, as they bring me SO MUCH JOY, but this life is a hard one to live. Some days, all that gets me through it is that the Lord has given these children to me to bring up in His word and that we will one day be together with Him for all eternity. Oh, God is SO VERY GOOD!!!
Sweet Baby Girl.

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