Friday, January 20, 2012

Counting Blessings

    Woke up this morning around 5am with a killer migraine; two Excedrin and a cup of coffee later, it’s still lingering. Any light at all is excruciatingly painful but by the grace of God, I managed to drag myself out of bed and take care of the kids. I felt terrible because I had to keep telling Noah “Mommy’s head hurts, buddy. I just need to lay on the couch for a few minutes.”  He then would look at me with those adorable, big, blue eyes and say “peas, Mama?”  (please, Mom?)  I prayed to God to give me the strength to make it through the morning and, I did.  I normally don’t put the kids down for their naps until around noon, but at 10 this morning I was like, ok, babies…quiet time for an hour. I don’t really force my two year to take a nap because sometimes he doesn’t really need one. Instead, I set aside an hour each day that he has to spend in his room, quietly playing or ‘reading’ his books. He seems to really like it and it gives me an hour to get household duties accomplished, or resting with this headache. The migraine went away, but now I’m left with this soreness in my head…something I get each time I have one.
     I still feel so blessed, though. God gave me the strength I needed to take care of my babies even though I could barely open my eyes without feeling sick. He has blessed us so much, it’s impossible to keep track of it all. J  In fact, yesterday, we were able to do our taxes and found out we are getting enough back to pay off almost all of our credit card debt…which was quite a substantial amount due to the debt we racked up during college. Our cards were used for books, meals, and paying towards our school loans…so you can just imagine the hole we had dug for ourselves. It’s nice to be out of that hole finally and building up a savings account finally; not just for ourselves, but one for our kids. That account won’t be touched until they graduate from high school and then it will be divided evenly among them. 
     Anyways, got a little off track there; just got caught up in counting blessings.  I’ve been studying the book of Joshua recently and I am reminded that I am commissioned to dwell in God’s word.  God, through the book of Joshua, states
8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1; 8)
    Well, it’s off of here for now. Going to go do my bible study before the kid’s quiet time is finished. Hope each of you has a blessed day and a great weekend. Tomorrow morning we leave for Gatlingburg. It’s also Noah’s 2nd birthday; we are taking him to Ripley’s aquarium to see the fishies!! 


  1. I love it when God provides... especially when its in a way like yours this morning. He did not just make your migraine disappear but He helped you through... strengthening you. :) Super excited about your tax return! That's a huge blessing. We are anxiously awaiting J's school info to come so we can file. Very nervous about what we might owe... or what we might get due to J's business!



  2. I had no clue we would get so much back, but Caleb said we got a tax credit for each of the kids, so that was a huge blessing. Just when I was starting to get worried about finances (and stopped taking my worries to God) He worked it all out. Then, I just felt silly, because I should have just given over those worries instead of trying to handle them myself. Hope you and your family have a week filled with blessings! :-)
