Monday, January 31, 2011

Dentists and Doctors

     Today I am heading to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned...ugh. Let me make just one thing clear; I. HATE. THE. DENTIST. I know it sounds crazy, but I would totally take going to the doctor any day...maybe it's because I'm well into my second pregnancy so being poked and prodded isn't really that big of a deal to me. But since I was a very little girl, I have despised the dentist. And apparently, it's something I'm always going to hate. But, yes, I have that on my lovely agenda today, so please pray for me...that the Lord gives me the strength I need to actually make it there and I'm not TOO tempted to call and "reschedule" haha. No, I won't do that because I'm actually looking forward to the dental plan they have set up for me. Over the next two years, I have to have my wisdom teeth removed and then I'm getting invisalign braces...YAY. I've waited so long for straight teeth and now it's actually going to happen....PRAISE THE LORD! At least this morning I have bible study to go's been so long since I've been to one and I'm REAAAAALLLLLLY looking forward to it. :-)
     Tomorrow I go back for my 31 week prenatal visit. I'm really hoping they will start checking me to see if the baby is in the correct position and if I've dilated or effaced any...which I'm not really sure whether I have or not. By 30 weeks I was like 30% effaced with Noah, and I was 2 cm dilated at like 34 weeks...but that obviously never progressed into anything, I had to have a C-Section at 41 weeks with him. And still praying so hard that isn't the case this time. :-)  I will update tomorrow after my appointment (which is not until 2:45pm) to give an update on how things go.
     Oh, and please keep Noah in your prayers. We have been doing our best to give him whole milk...which he hates. Well, we found out why he won't drink it; it's been giving him stomach cramps which have been waking him up in the middle of the night. The past two night he has woken up moaning and screaming and we couldn't figure out why...then I thought about it for a while and realized the only new thing we had introduced to his diet was whole milk...soooooo, I didn't give it to him all day yesterday and he slept fine last night. Not to mention, he was back on schedule again with his naps. I'm just so thankful we figured out the problem...and we talked to his pediatrician who said 2% would be just fine to give him, which doesn't hurt his little tummy. 
     Got to go get ready...have a great day everyone!

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