Friday, January 14, 2011

Glucose Test

     Oh my was absolutely horrible. The entire time I had to keep repeating to myself "this is for Haleigh...this is for Haleigh!"  That's the only thing that got me through it. I had been fasting since 7 last night (and I normally get sick when I don't eat, so this was really rough). Then, I had to drink that horrible glucose drink...not pleasant at all. First, I got sick to my stomach and had to keep running to the bathroom because I thought I was going to puke...God was the only reason I didn't....HE ANSWERS PRAYERS!!! Well, then, as the sugar started rushing through my body I felt drunk...then extremely sleepy...but the entire time extremely nauseous. BLEH!  I am so thankful that it's over with and that my body is finally starting to feel "normal" again.
    Enough about that....little Noah didn't sleep very well at all last night so he has been feeling terrible for most of the day. Caleb watched him this morning while I went to my appointment and it was SO hard leaving him while he was feeling bad. *sighs*  I'm really hoping and praying he starts to feel much better soon. Anyways, I will probably get off of here so I can get some rest before heading out to my grandparents later today. Hope everyone is having a blessed end to their weeks.


  1. How did the results turn out with your test? ~missing you

  2. I won't find out until Tuesday or Wednesday. And I am missing you so very much, too. It's been rough the last few days...I'm so pregnant and totally feeling it. Plus, Noah is still so sick and no matter what we do, he is inconsolable. *sighs* Life will get better soon...I know that. :-) I hope ya'll are having a most fantastic time in Richmond...and having a great anniversary celebration.
