Monday, October 3, 2011


    It's been a super long day but I finally have a little time to myself. :-)  I said I would blog about my experience with my first hair splinter, so here goes. Saturday night I was walking across the kitchen floor when all of a sudden I felt something like a piece of glass go through my foot. It hurt so bad, I could barely put pressure on my foot, but when I looked I couldn't see anything...and it wasn't bleeding. As I was about to start crying (yeah, I can give birth to two children but I can't handle a splinter, lol) and called Caleb into the kitchen to take a look. He informed me I had something called a hair splinter, which is exactly what it sounds like. On Friday, I had buzzed cut Noah's hair and had apparently missed one while sweeping up the kitchen and that's what went into my foot...strange but true. :-P 
     We had a pretty amazing weekend filled with a lot of fun events. Me and Noah spent Saturday morning playing outside, collecting leaves and fighting the cold while Daddy worked on the car and Haleigh took a nap. Then, we made a trip out by Starbucks and I finally got one of my favorite things autumn has to offer; a pumpkin spiced latte!  I even shared with Bug and hubby, lol.  Sunday was hectic because the kids refused to take their naps, but having my incredible husband there to help out was pretty wonderful. Even when I'm having the worst of days, his smile makes everything all better! And Sunday was a pretty rough day for everyone involved. 
     And now on to some bigger news. Over the past few months, Caleb and I have been considering moving out of the Roanoke Valley which is something we both have wanted for a while now. Caleb is applying for a job (still with the DDS, but the Richmond branch) in middle management. If he gets it, we will be moving to Richmond, I'm guessing sometime before the end of the year. We are really hoping that he gets offered the job, but we won't know anything for a while....probably around three to four weeks or so. Please pray that we will be accepting of God's will for our life, and that if Caleb doesn't get this job, we won't be TOO disappointed. I am just really looking forward to this prospective new opportunity for our family. And I won't lie....I would get to see one of my best friends every single day, lol. And that's a pretty big incentive. :-)  Anyways, just continue to pray for our family and God's will for us! 
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Autumn evening and I will try to blog again soon! 

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