Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crazy, Hectic, Busy

    What a week it's been. Little Miss Hales decided she was going to achieve a million milestones this week which has left her Mama begging her to slow down a little bit. :-)  We noticed over the weekend that she was starting to copy everything her brother said...obviously she can't "talk" yet, but that didn't stop her from trying. She now knows the words Mama, Dada/Papa (she calls Caleb both names), Brubba (Brother), Hi, and Bye. I just can't get over how quickly her vocabulary is advancing. Then, she started trying to crawl, which looked more like the moves an inchworm would make rather than crawling. But, the day before yesterday, she watched her brother do it (and admittedly Mommy and Daddy got down in the floor and showed her how, was quite funny). She is now a fast little crawler and I couldn't be more proud, or more sad at the fact she is growing up so darn fast. Oh, and add to her list of to-dos for the week...she now gives high fives which is seriously the most adorable thing ever. *giggle*  
     Big Brother Noah is continuing to take his role very seriously. Every time Hales spits up on the floor (or the couch, or the crib, or anything she basically touches) Noah comes running to get me and yells out "MAMA! SIS...MESS!"  Which is his little toddler language means Sissy made another mess, Mama, lol! He is also a great giver of hugs and kisses and showers his little sister with them throughout the day. It's very sweet and I'm proud to say that he is an amazing big brother and a wonderful son. The week started off a bit rough with quite a few tantrums, which later I discovered was due to the incoming of two new teeth. The last couple of days have been much better, though, and it's been very nice. 
     Tuesday morning Caleb had a phone interview concerning the job he applied for in Richmond.  We are currently waiting to hear back and should know something within the new week and a half. If he gets the job, we will need to move up there within two weeks (probably sometime around Dec. 1st at the latest). If he is offered the position, there will be a ton we will need to do in a very short time frame, including finding someone to take over our lease (So if anyone reading this blog is in need of a 2 BR apartment in Salem, please let us know). The interview went very well and Caleb was pleased with it. Right now it's a waiting game, but we are both pretty nervous. Please pray that God's will be done in this and that we will be accepting of it. 
     More news...this morning I had my follow up appointment with the retina specialist concerning my retinapathy. Over the last several months, the fluid behind my retina has almost completely dried up. The doctor said there was a teeny tiny sliver left over the center of my vision, but that should clear up within a month or so...PRAISE GOD FOR THAT!!! I do have an appointment with my eye doctor because my vision is currently 20/30 in the left eye and 20/40 in the right. If it doesn't improve, I will need to start wearing glasses all of the time  and not just when I read or do computer work. But, that's definitely not a big deal at all. 
    So, yeah...sorry it's been a while since I've updated my blog. But, as you can probably tell, I've been quite a busy woman recently. I now have a full fledged walker and a crawler in my house...crazy, but loving every second of it. 

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