Tuesday, March 15, 2011


    So, I went to the doctor today for my checkup and it went FANTASTIC; much better than I thought it would go. When we walked in, I asked Dr. Clapp if she would be checking my progress and she said yes. But then she said to not get my hopes up because since Noah was a procrastinator and had to be induced, there was a good chance Haleigh wouldn't come on her own I said I understood and it didn't really upset me either way..I'd just be thankful to have her here soon. :-)  But anyways, then she told me she was going to do the g beta strep test and check my progress; she was checking me and got this strange look on her face....in which she looked shocked. And trust me, no one wants to see a doctor's face look like that, haha. She said she was EXTREMELY surprised at my progress; 1 cm dilated, 100% effaced, and +1 station...she said Haleigh's head was VERY LOW! Then she said...and I quote "looks like she may come on her own afterall!"  HOORAY!  Ever since I left the doctor's office this evening I've been having a ton of contractions that feel like menstrual cramps (something my "normal" Braxton Hicks don't feel like). I still don't know if this is labor but if they continue after a couple of hours and start to get worse, I will start timing them. Either way, this has to be a good sign. I don't want this to be wishful thinking...I want to be for sure. :-) Anyways, please say a prayer for me...that if this is the Lord's will He will send me into labor and get baby Hales here without surgery, and that Mama and baby will both be healthy! 

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