Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, Tuesday....HALEIGHday!

     I can't believe we have only 48 hours left to go until we meet our baby girl. I'm nervous, excited, many emotions running through me that I can't quite put into words. I do feel very prepared, though; I have our bags packed, Noah's schedule of who he will be staying with each day, meals cooked and in the freezer....we are so ready for this moment to come!!! :-)  Please pray that the Lord will calm my nerves over the next couple of days because as the time gets closer, I'm feeling more and more jittery. Also say a prayer for little Noah Bug...that he will not get too upset when Mommy and Daddy have to leave him for a couple of days. The good news is, is that the nurse on Labor and Delivery told me that siblings are allowed to visit, which is really nice. I was so worried I was going to have to go three days without seeing my little man, but that news made me feel so much more positive about things. I hope that each of you has a blessed week and I'm so looking forward to posting pictures of little miss hales. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

1 comment:

  1. praying for you guys!! :) can't wait to hear how everything goes... and see pictures of baby girl!! good luck...keep us updated.
