Monday, February 20, 2012

Big Fat Positive

     It's been a crazy couple of days, as you can imagine. Friday morning I woke up bright and early to head to the oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth extracted. With Daddy and our toddlers in tow, we packed up in the car and headed out on our little adventure. We stopped by Hardees for biscuits and hash rounds to bribe the kids into being good while they waited for Mommy's surgery to be over. Unfortunately, Mama didn't partake because I was ordered not to eat anything before coming into the office. We arrived and I was whisked away to the back where I was given an oral anesthetic and a total of eight shots to numb my mouth. Then, the loveliness ensued...the sound of the drill (even WITH my headphones on) will be forever ingrained in my memory. Let's just say I was thankful to be out of there for the day. I was nauseous on and off throughout that day, but chalked it up to the pain I was in after my numbing wore off.  I am not big on pain meds so I only took three total before switching over to Tylenol. 
     The next day, I woke up in terrible pain but ready to face the day. Never did I think that it would be a day full of surprises. Let me start off by saying that I had spent the week feeling crampy and That's the best way to put it. I was overly emotional (which I assumed was because I was late starting my period). Anyways, I had told a friend earlier in the week that I felt "pregnantish" and that I was planning on taking a pregnancy test. I only wanted to rule it out so I could get on to figuring out the real reason for Aunt Flo not showing her lovely self. I took a test Thursday with a definite negative and had planned on calling my OB/GYN on Monday to set up an appointment to discuss reasons for my late cycle. Well, Saturday I had an extra pregnancy test so I decided to take one again "just because I had a feeling". I can't explain it other than I've been pregnant twice before and am very aware of the symptoms. Even though, in our minds, there was absolutely NO WAY this was a possibility...we've been VERY careful. 
     Well, it was one of the cheapo Dollar Store tests that we had laying around. Within two minutes a dark pink line and a very faint pink line showed up. It was then that I knew. I stood there for probably three or four minutes just staring at it...almost wondering if it was real. I stepped out of the bathroom and handed it to Caleb, who said it "probably wasn't positive but I'm going to buy a box of digital ones just in case".  I knew there would be no reason to argue with him, but in my heart I already knew God had blessed us with another miracle; a very unexpected miracle, but one all the same. When Caleb got back from Wal*Mart I, again went to the bathroom and told him to go and check it...simply because I wanted to see his reaction when it said what I already knew it would..."PREGNANT".  He looked down at it and shook his head, muttering "it's not possible. It's just NOT possible". Then he looked up at me and said, "well, honey, I guess you are!" I laughed, my cheeks flushed with excitement. Tears came to my eyes and I felt so many emotions flooding me at once; happiness, uncertainty, disbelief, excitement, thankfulness. I immediately got out the camera and started snapping pictures, documenting the new life of baby J number 3. Even though this was very unexpected, we are praising God for our blessing. We are so in love with our two toddlers and can't wait to welcome this newborn into our lives. 
     That was Friday and Saturday, and most of Sunday was spent talking with people on the phone, telling them all about our third little one. We are blessed to have such a loving and supportive family, offering many congratulations. *grin* I can't thank God enough for our wonderful friends and family. Also, yesterday we watched the first snow of the year fall and enjoyed it's beauty. Noah absolutely LOVED it and played in it a while today, but Hales was less than impressed. She would much rather be snuggled up under a warm blanket with her Mama...which suited me just fine as I wanted to do the same. 
     Today, we woke up and headed back to the dentist office to have my dry socket taken care of. I have to go back every two days for the next week to have it repacked with a clove packet...and let me just say, ewwww. It probably wouldn't have made me sick before, but baby definitely doesn't like it so I've been vomiting most of the day. I will probably tell the dentist on Wednesday just to forget about it. I'll deal with the pain because I certainly can't deal with the morning sickness as well. After we got out of the dentist, hubby took me to get a new phone. It's a Samsung Galaxy 5 Smartphone with unlimited everything (texting, internet, picture name it) and he got an I Phone 4. I am really excited to be able to use it when I take the kids for walks. I can listen to music or watch movies as long as we go somewhere with 3G or 4G coverage, and lucky for us, most of the area we live in has it now. :-)  So, all in all, a very exciting weekend.
     I'm off of here to go lay on the couch and catch up on some DV-R with hubby. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for our family during the upcoming week. Please pray that the morning sickness subsides a bit.  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Now that the shock has worn off, you must be SO excited! And you are braver than I--I had to be put under to have my wisdom teeth taken out:)
