Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Crazy But Wonderful Happenings in the Life of a Stay at Home Mom

     I can't believe that tomorrow is Monday already. The weekends sure do fly by way too fast. On a good note, hubby and I have been discussing the possibility of switching around his work schedule. He currently works M-F 7:30am-3:30pm. We are considering changing it to M-Th. 7am-4:30pm with every other Friday off. The two Fridays a month he would still work would be normal hours of 7:30am-3:30pm. So basically..he would have a 3 day weekend every other week. Does that make sense? Sometimes I am confusing, lol. 
     Anyways, we are also looking into hiring a sitter one day a week for a few hours (9am-12ish) so that I have time to get errands run; grocery shopping, paying bills, etc. I try my hardest but with both the kids being mobile now, and very much NOT liking to sit still, it's almost a nightmare. Then, when hubby gets home, currently at 4, but possibly going to be as late as 5, we just don't have much time to get things done in the evenings. As soon as he gets home we eat dinner, clean up the kitchen, give the kids their baths and by this time, it's at least 6:00. The kids go to bed around 7:30 or 8 so that really only leaves 1 1/2 to 2 hours for playtime and winding down before heading to bed. And then it's getting lunches packed or cooked for the next day...the crazy but wonderful happenings in the life of a stay at home Mom! *grin*  
     Well, I had a little more I wanted to write about but I guess I will have to end here for the night. Hubby and I are going to cuddle up and watch a couple of TV shows and head to bed. Recently, Haleigh has been waking us up around midnight every night and refusing to go back to sleep until 3 or 4am. So you can imagine how sleep deprived we have been. :-)  Hope each of you has a blessed start to your weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. When mine were little, we hired someone once a week and it made a huge difference in what I was able to get done. Hope you find someone and that it works well for you.
