Wednesday, February 8, 2012


    Sitting here listening to the sounds of peace and quiet. The last couple of days have been rough; it started Monday when both the kids started getting the sniffles. No big deal...I just assumed it was allergies or the crazy weather causing runny noses. Then, Haleigh spend Monday and all day yesterday crying on and off throughout the day...yesterday I'm pretty sure she cried for three hours straight due to her two top teeth coming in. It's hard to believe she is 10 months old and is just now getting toofies, but I'm thankful because this will make eating much easier for her. Well, Noah was acting super clingy yesterday; he even let me rock him to sleep which he hasn't wanted me to do since he was around a year old. This morning he woke up and refused to eat his breakfast (which was a big sign he was feeling bad because he ALWAYS wants to eat as soon as he wakes up). I went over to give him and hug and he looked at me, eyes streaming tears and said "Mama, hurts." I said, "What hurts buddy?"  He pointed to his ear and I hugged him to find he was burning up. Took his temperature and sure enough, 102 degrees. Set up a doctor's appointment and it's a good thing I took him in because he has a cold and an ear infection in one ear, with signs that pointed to a possible double ear infection; I'm assuming she meant that one ear was currently worse than the other one. Got him his antibiotics and headed home for naps. Poor guy is sleeping now and I"m praying he rests for at least a couple of hours...I know he needs it. Please say a prayer for him and that he starts to feel better soon. 

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