Being a Busy Mom and Teaching Others How to Save
"SIPPY CUPS AND SCHOOLWORK I am the Mom to four beautiful stairsteppers; ages 2, 4, 6 and 7. We are a homeschooling, outdoorsy, happy, crazy bunch...and LOVING (almost) every second!!
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Links to My New Facebook Page and Blog
Here are a few links to my new Facebook page and Blog site. Please share with your friends and family and help get the word out about my posts. I really would love for as many people as possible to take advantage of the savings I'm posting! Thank you SO much for your support.
Your Way to Save Facebook Page
Your Way to Save Blog
Your Way to Save Facebook Page
Your Way to Save Blog
Your Way to Save
I'm currently working on changing my blog up a little bit. Although I will still focus on my family I will also be going in a new direction in which I share daily savings and freebies. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Reasons to Believe in an Old Earth
I am an English major so I’ve always been very interested in language and words. Since I have been a Christian since I was eight years old and grew up Southern Baptist, I have always been surrounded by many strong Christian influences. Every single one of them believes that our Earth is young and I never had reason to question that. But when I started college I began to study different authors, genres of books, and their origins. That led into a study of individual languages which is where I took an interest in Hebrew. As I’ve spend time studying the language I’ve come to realize that English has words that allow for much more in depth descriptions of things. For example, the word “yom” actually translates to day, or a long period of time. I had always been taught that yom in Hebrew meant a literal 24 hour day. Some of my own personal studies have suggested otherwise...based on the language in scripture alone.
For example, John 5: 16-18 says: “So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. In his defense Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at work to this very day, and I too am working.’” I believe that this verse suggests evidence that the seventh day is an ongoing rest period. Jesus’ is trying to tell them that He is honoring the Sabbath in the way that God does. “That is, His Father works “to this very day” even though “this very day” is part of His Sabbath rest. (H.Ross, 74 A Matter of Days) It goes on to say that God honors the sabbath by resting from creating things. Going along with this point is that after creation days 1-6, God always says, “And there was evening and there was morning, the _____ day”. After creation day 7 all He says is, “...God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done” (Genesis 2: 3).] This leads me to believe that the seventh day is an ongoing period of time; from the moment God stopped creating things up until this moment. So if the seventh day suggests a period of at least several thousand years that must also suggest that days 1-6 aren’t literally 24 hour increments.
I also spent some time studying early writers such as Augustine, Philo, and Josephus. It’s amazing that these men (Philo lived as early as 45 years prior to the crucifixion of Jesus) believed that the Earth is much older than what young earthers believe it to be today. Philo expressed that he believed that the days were a figure of speech that were a metaphor for order and completeness. A quote by Philo:
“It is quite foolish to think that the world was created in six days or in a space of time at all. Why? Because every period of time is a series of days and nights, and these can only be made such by movement of the sun as it goes over and under the earth; but the sun is a part of heaven, so that time is confessedly more recent than the world. It would therefore be correct to say that the world was not made in time, but that time was formed by means of the world, for it was heaven’s movement that was the index of the nature of time. When, then, Moses says, ‘He finished His work on the sixth day,’ we must understand him to be adducing not a quantity of days, but a perfect number, namely six”.
Augustine in The City of God, wrote, “As for these ‘days’ it is difficult, perhaps impossible to think -let alone explain in words-what they mean”. He also writes “But at least we know that it [the Genesis creation day] is different from the ordinary day with which we are familiar.” He also states later, “Seven days by our reckoning after the model of the days of creation, make up a week. By the passage of such weeks time rolls on, and in these weeks one day is constituted by the course of the sun from its rising to its setting, but we must bear in mind that these days indeed recall the days of creation, but without in any way being really similar to them” (The Literal Meaning of Genesis).
The bible often uses the phrase, “ the day of the Lord” which does not refer to a specific 24 hour day but instead means a period of time. The Hebrew word used here to describe day is Yom, the exact word used to describe the creation days.
These are just some of the evidence I’ve found based solely on language, scripture and writings of early church writers. I have also been very impressed with how recent scientific discoveries have backed up scripture. I believe God reveals himself to us daily in and throughout nature and He tells us this in the Word.
Job 27; 7-10
Psalm 19; 1
Romans 1; 20 (my favorite)
And here are some links to my favorite websites where I read up on new scientific discoveries which continue to back up the theory of the earth being much older than believed. I love that recently astrologers have been able to look back in time to observe the earth moments after it was created. The scientists have taken measurements of how far the light has traveled over a certain period of time and applied that to trace back to earth’s beginning. I’m not great at explaining things in scientific terms...I can read it and understand it but trying to explain it to someone else trips me up. Here is a link to one article on what I’m trying to share (
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Skipping School and Ice Cream Cones
Today was our county's first day of public school. We made the switch to year round homeschooling so what did we do to celebrate homeschooling today? As the kids came into the school room and sat down ready to get started I looked at them, closed the book I had open, and said "we are taking the day off!" They were confused and kept asking me why. I explained to them that there was no specific reason other than the fact that I wanted to celebrate our ability to learn at home, their many accomplishments, and that I'm proud of them. So, we went to lunch and then I took them to a local ice cream parlor and we sat and chatted. And do you know what? They LEARNED! There were pictures of animals on the walls and Haleigh kept asking me what types of foods came from certain types of animals (i.e. bacon from pigs, steaks from cows etc.), which led Lucas into asking about what those types of animals ate. So we discussed how many animals prefer plants and are vegetarians while others are predominately meat eaters....carnivores. Then the younger ones wanted to know how ice cream was made so Noah and Haleigh took turns explaining the process to their little brothers. It was awesome. And I honestly believe that children have so much ability to learn outside the walls of a typical "classroom". And I am blessed to have the opportunity to teach them at home. :-)
Now we are back at home, unfortunately due to another one of my migraines, which the doctors still can't seem to explain. I'm hoping a higher dose of Topomax will do the trick but only time will tell. The kids are off playing together in their rooms...I wish I could say they were being totally sweet towards each other but there is definitely arguing; something about the monster trucks being the bad guys and it's not okay for them to be the good guys. But hey, there are worse things to fight over, right?! :-P
On a bit of an unrelated note, Lucas starts speech therapy on Friday. I'm really nervous for him but am excited more than anything. He has such a difficult time communicating where people can understand him and I can tell it frustrates him. I believe it's the main source for his tantrums so I'm very thankful for this service. He will be going Wednesdays and Fridays each week until the end of June. We will then re-evaluate at that point to see if he will need to continue for a second year of therapy. Lucas is really excited for it to start and he keeps saying "Mommy, I'm so excited for my speech classes because now people will understand me". It makes me relieved to know he isn't scared or upset but realizes this is something he can be proud of...that there is nothing "wrong" with him. Just that we all need a little extra help sometimes. :-)
But anyways, please be praying for him as he starts this new endeavor. And for us too. Wednesdays are going to be quite busy with school full time, speech therapy at 1pm and Haleigh's ballet class starting at 4pm. But we will manage. Just thankful for the here and now as I'm sure the future years will be much, much busier. :-)
Now we are back at home, unfortunately due to another one of my migraines, which the doctors still can't seem to explain. I'm hoping a higher dose of Topomax will do the trick but only time will tell. The kids are off playing together in their rooms...I wish I could say they were being totally sweet towards each other but there is definitely arguing; something about the monster trucks being the bad guys and it's not okay for them to be the good guys. But hey, there are worse things to fight over, right?! :-P
On a bit of an unrelated note, Lucas starts speech therapy on Friday. I'm really nervous for him but am excited more than anything. He has such a difficult time communicating where people can understand him and I can tell it frustrates him. I believe it's the main source for his tantrums so I'm very thankful for this service. He will be going Wednesdays and Fridays each week until the end of June. We will then re-evaluate at that point to see if he will need to continue for a second year of therapy. Lucas is really excited for it to start and he keeps saying "Mommy, I'm so excited for my speech classes because now people will understand me". It makes me relieved to know he isn't scared or upset but realizes this is something he can be proud of...that there is nothing "wrong" with him. Just that we all need a little extra help sometimes. :-)
But anyways, please be praying for him as he starts this new endeavor. And for us too. Wednesdays are going to be quite busy with school full time, speech therapy at 1pm and Haleigh's ballet class starting at 4pm. But we will manage. Just thankful for the here and now as I'm sure the future years will be much, much busier. :-)
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Catching Up
Hey guys! Long time since I've been here but my life finally has a nice groove to it and my youngest is almost three...which hopefully will leave a little more time for writing. I can't believe how much has happened in the time I've been away...honestly, too much to include in one post but hopefully, over time, I'll be able to catch you up.
We just started back into our fourth year of homeschooling...which is seriously hard to believe. Noah is technically a third grader by public school standards but I don't really like labeling the kids because they have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the subject. Haleigh started first and Lucas is our big boy Kindergartner. And then there is Judah....our strong willed two year old. :-) He keeps me on my toes...and if I turn my back for a second you can bet something has been destroyed or he has scaled a building; the kid is a Houdini.
We also just added a seventh member to this chaotic family...our puppy, Abby. She and Judah make quite the combination...I think that may have been God's answer to my prayers for a more patient and loving attitude. <3 at="" but="" get="" hearts.="" i="" it="" just="" leave="" less="" ll="" moms="" nbsp="" p="" picture.="" that="" the="" their="" think="" you=""> Just a little update on our kids who are growing up far too quickly.
Noah- Loves Coyote Peterson, Bugs (specifically spiders), is a Minecraft champ, his favorite game is Chess, his favorite subject is Reading and he loves to cook. On his current list of books he is reading is Goosebumps and The Hardy Boys. I love his enthusiasm and joy that comes with opening the pages of a book...just like me. When we go outside, he often has a book in hand and searches out the perfect spot to sit and read. He always does his chores without me asking and is our most sensitive kid. He is a Mama's boy and I love every second.
Haleigh- She is my girly girl and my mini me. She is starting her third year of ballet and absolutely loves it. She is an amazing artist (like, this kid puts my college art classes to shame) and we will be enrolling her in art school next year so that she can excel at her favorite subject...since this isn't something I can help her much with. She is very hyper and we often find ourselves searching for new creative outlets to channel her energy into. Just another reason I'm thankful we homeschool because I sometimes wonder if that hyper, talkative self would often stay in trouble in the public school system. Maybe not, but I worry that would be case.
Lucas- He is my all american boy. This kid loves wrestling with his baby brother, Imaginext, sports, and books. He is my problem solver. He loves puzzles, I Spy books, and anything else that requires critical thinking skills...I like to call him my little engineer in the making. This kid just told me the 50 piece puzzle I got for him was "too easy" so on to bigger and better things lol. He struggles with reading/letter recognition/phonics because he has a speech issue. He will be seeing a speech therapist two days a week for the next year so hopefully the issues he is having in school will improve as his speech issues do. It's hard to watch him try so hard and get frustrated because he isn't able to accurately articulate a letter sound even though in his mind he knows it. Now, math, on the other hand...Lucas excels at. That's definitely his favorite subject.
Judah- He is my very strong willed child but he is also extremely sweet when he chooses to be. He will come up and pat me on the face and say "love you, mama" for no reason at all...just out of nowhere. He loves playing in the water and getting muddy. He likes to drive his Mama crazy and I won't lie, many days I wonder how I'm going to survive this stage...but then he looks at me with those big, beautiful eyes and grins at me, and I melt.<3 absolute="" and="" at="" begs="" but="" cars="" favorite="" go="" he="" his="" imaginext="" is="" likes="" me="" nbsp="" often="" p="" place="" play="" salem="" the="" there.="" thing="" to="" trash="" trucks.="" with="" y-town="" ymca="">3>3>
We just started back into our fourth year of homeschooling...which is seriously hard to believe. Noah is technically a third grader by public school standards but I don't really like labeling the kids because they have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the subject. Haleigh started first and Lucas is our big boy Kindergartner. And then there is Judah....our strong willed two year old. :-) He keeps me on my toes...and if I turn my back for a second you can bet something has been destroyed or he has scaled a building; the kid is a Houdini.
We also just added a seventh member to this chaotic family...our puppy, Abby. She and Judah make quite the combination...I think that may have been God's answer to my prayers for a more patient and loving attitude. <3 at="" but="" get="" hearts.="" i="" it="" just="" leave="" less="" ll="" moms="" nbsp="" p="" picture.="" that="" the="" their="" think="" you=""> Just a little update on our kids who are growing up far too quickly.
Noah- Loves Coyote Peterson, Bugs (specifically spiders), is a Minecraft champ, his favorite game is Chess, his favorite subject is Reading and he loves to cook. On his current list of books he is reading is Goosebumps and The Hardy Boys. I love his enthusiasm and joy that comes with opening the pages of a book...just like me. When we go outside, he often has a book in hand and searches out the perfect spot to sit and read. He always does his chores without me asking and is our most sensitive kid. He is a Mama's boy and I love every second.
Haleigh- She is my girly girl and my mini me. She is starting her third year of ballet and absolutely loves it. She is an amazing artist (like, this kid puts my college art classes to shame) and we will be enrolling her in art school next year so that she can excel at her favorite subject...since this isn't something I can help her much with. She is very hyper and we often find ourselves searching for new creative outlets to channel her energy into. Just another reason I'm thankful we homeschool because I sometimes wonder if that hyper, talkative self would often stay in trouble in the public school system. Maybe not, but I worry that would be case.
Lucas- He is my all american boy. This kid loves wrestling with his baby brother, Imaginext, sports, and books. He is my problem solver. He loves puzzles, I Spy books, and anything else that requires critical thinking skills...I like to call him my little engineer in the making. This kid just told me the 50 piece puzzle I got for him was "too easy" so on to bigger and better things lol. He struggles with reading/letter recognition/phonics because he has a speech issue. He will be seeing a speech therapist two days a week for the next year so hopefully the issues he is having in school will improve as his speech issues do. It's hard to watch him try so hard and get frustrated because he isn't able to accurately articulate a letter sound even though in his mind he knows it. Now, math, on the other hand...Lucas excels at. That's definitely his favorite subject.
Judah- He is my very strong willed child but he is also extremely sweet when he chooses to be. He will come up and pat me on the face and say "love you, mama" for no reason at all...just out of nowhere. He loves playing in the water and getting muddy. He likes to drive his Mama crazy and I won't lie, many days I wonder how I'm going to survive this stage...but then he looks at me with those big, beautiful eyes and grins at me, and I melt.<3 absolute="" and="" at="" begs="" but="" cars="" favorite="" go="" he="" his="" imaginext="" is="" likes="" me="" nbsp="" often="" p="" place="" play="" salem="" the="" there.="" thing="" to="" trash="" trucks.="" with="" y-town="" ymca="">3>3>
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Back Again!!
I can't believe it's been over a year since I've posted here. Let's just say it's been very busy with four little ones; three of which I'm full time homeschooling. I plan on writing on longer post at some point soon but it's Saturday and we have family time to enjoy. Just wanted to update with an I"M BAAAAACK!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
My Baby is a Big Boy
My sweet Noah Bug graduated from Kindergarten today. I look back on the day he was born and wonder how time has so quickly passed us by. I am so proud of his daily accomplishments and the many milestones he has reached. God has completely blessed up with an armful of amazing children. Halebop, although little, already has quite the personality on her; what we sometimes see as stubbornness we feel one day will transform into persistence. Lucas is our little comedian these days; that boy is constantly making us laugh. He reminds me so much of my brother at that age...always up to no good but too darn cute to do anything about it. And then of course, we have our sweet little baby Juju Bean; we couldn't have asked for a better baby. He is a six month old bundle of joy whose laughter is contagious.
Praising God for His blessings today. If you would, please say a prayer for me, though. I've been fighting a sinus infection all week and just took my stubborn self to the doctor today to get medication for it. Hope everyone has a blessed holiday weekend...and remember the lives that have been given for our freedom. <3 nbsp="" p="">3>
Praising God for His blessings today. If you would, please say a prayer for me, though. I've been fighting a sinus infection all week and just took my stubborn self to the doctor today to get medication for it. Hope everyone has a blessed holiday weekend...and remember the lives that have been given for our freedom. <3 nbsp="" p="">3>
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Blessed with Some Pretty Awesome Ladies in My Life!!
I am so blessed for every single Godly woman that I currently have in my life; YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! Thanks for everything you do and for being a constant encouragement for me. Thanks for not feeling the need to gossip when we are together, but to simply enjoy life's moments. Praising the Lord for every single one of you ladies today!

Monday, December 8, 2014
Judah Bug is Here!!!!
Baby Judah was born November 25th at 12:32 p.m. He has already stolen my heart with his precious personality. He enjoys sleeping and eating but his favorite thing is cuddling with his Mommy. God has been so wonderful to us and I can't thank Him enough for these blessings. Here are a couple of photos from the day of his birth and yesterday's Christmas photos.



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