Monday, August 30, 2010


     That's right, peoples. Noah FINALLY got his very first tooth...he has been working on this for a couple of months now and we are SO proud of him. I know he put so much hard work into soon as he lets me near his mouth (he hates for us to touch it, because he is working on his other bottom tooth, too) I will do my best to get a good picture. We might have to wait for that pearly white to grow some more. Anyways, just wanted to share our "proud parent" moment! 

9 Weeks Pregnant Today!

How your baby's growing:

Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.


    We are heading back to Williamsburg later this week....I'm really not sure of the day yet because Caleb is planning the entire trip this time and wants the day to be a surprise. I'm really hoping it's sometime this week, though, because I'd rather go during the week than on the weekend...less busy that way! :-)  I have a pretty fun week planned though...hanging out with my friend Rebecca this morning, spending time with my brother, and my friend, Anna. 
     We only have 8-10 weeks until we find out whether we are having a little boy or girl...and I'm SO hoping for frills and lace this time around *smile*. We go back in three weeks to have another ultrasound done...the Nuchal Translucency test (to check for Down Syndrome). I just can't wait to see how big our little one is makes me get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it. I'm so amazed at the ways God is blessing our family!  
     I just wanted to give everyone an update about life at the Johnstons...:-)  I pray that each of you has a wonderful Monday and great week ahead. 

Going Against Nature

This Mouse loves Cats!

Tower Illusion

Tower Illusion

Jump Fail

Crazy Stage Dive Leap - Watch more Funny Videos

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Adopt from the SPCA

Dogs Attack Two Female Reporters - Watch more Funny Videos

Animal Hater

EMBED-Insane Cat Lady - Watch more free videos
via Amy Oops

Ways to Catch a High

Medical Billing

via Amy Oops


     So sorry I've slowed up on my blogging. Noah has had a horrible week of teething and Mommy and Daddy aren't getting much sleep. During his naps (which is when I used to blog) I've had to catch up on rest myself. This is one phase that I definitely could pass on if I had the chance to do so, lol. *grin*  Just gotta pray daily for patience...God will get us through it! :-)  
     We went to see my high school football team play last night...and THEY WON!  See, the Rockets don't really have a good track record for wins, so to speak, so when they scored their first touchdown in the first 30 seconds, I knew this was going to be a great game; turns out it was, because they whooped the opposing team me some Rockets! 
     Monday makes the 9 week mark and I am slowly starting to feel the morning sickness improving. I still have days where I wonder how I'm making it through, but they are becoming farther apart...praise the Lord! We have another ultrasound at 11 weeks (the Nuchal Translucency test) to check for extra fluids...I think this will tell us if the baby has a higher chance of having down syndrome and something else...I can't remember. Please pray that everything turns out well with that...we honestly discussed not having it done because we didn't have any tests like that when I was pregnant with Noah Bug; we're going to love this baby regardless! And we're still apt to cancel the ultrasound and just go to the appointment...just don't know yet! 
     Well, I guess I better get off of here...naptime is getting harder to maintain...especially with the pain caused from teething. Keep little Noah in your thoughts and prayers this week and that another little tooth will break through soon and give him some relief!  :-)  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hemingway Wrote about Spanish Whores??!!???

Wikipedia whopper: Hemingway's 'Death in the Afternoon' about Spanish whores not bulls

Death in the Afternoon whopper

Death in the Afternoon, as every reader of good books knows, is a non-fiction book by Ernest Hemingway about the ceremony and traditions of Spanish bullfighting.

Or is it? Maybe there's more to this book than meets the eye. Could this famous work be about something a little more infamous!

We searched the term "Death in the Afternoon" on the world's most powerful search engine Google, and were shocked at what popped up before our surprised eyes.

There in black and white, on the very first link to Wikipedia, the description read: "Death in the Afternoon is a non-fiction book by Ernest Hemingway about the ceremony and traditions of Spanish whores".

Wow! Hemingway was actually writing about Spanish whores, not bulls?
Click HERE for more

18 Month Old Chain Smoker? WHAT?

   When I saw this video I was FURIOUS!  Some people just shouldn't be allowed to be parents.

An Actual Letter Written to Ann Landers

Dear Ann Landers,
I am writing to you for help with my problem. My wife has custody of our seven children. They were awarded to her when she divorced me for desertion.
My mother has been confined to a mental institution of insanity since I was three years old.
I have two brothers. One works for my company and the other is now awaiting electrocution for murder.
My two sisters are prostitutes and my father is in the rackets selling narcotics.
Recently I met a girl who has been released from prison where she served time for smothering illegitimate child. I love this girl very much and want to marry her.
My problem is this, should I tell her about my brother who works for my company?
Very truly yours,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Day of Holy Terror

 That's right, blog family...incase you didn't know it, today is the day of holy least in my house! *grin*  Our beautiful little boy who for the past seven months has been practically immobile, has learned to cause chaos with his actions. Although he isn't "crawling, crawling" he is scooting. As in, baby proofing is a must...if he sees something that he wants, he can and will absolutely find a way to reach it. Example...we have an entertainment center with closed cabinets which is where we keep all of his DVDs. He knows this, so yesterday, he scooted on over from his room to the living room and proceeded to open the doors like he had done it every day for his entire life...but no, that didn't satisfy the little booger; he then decides to pull out EVERY SINGLE DVD in  the cabinet...but it didn't stop there....he then drooled and chewed on EVERY SINGLE his astonished Mother sat there and watched, complete with wide eyes and chin dropped to the floor. I just can't believe how fast this kid is growing up on me. 
     Then, his other favorite thing to do is climb....climb, climb, climb on everything. You would think after getting bumps and bruises that would dissuade him from this, but I'm seriously starting to think it is what drives him to press on with his jungle gym antics. *sighs*  I definitely have to keep my eyes on him every second now....but, I must say, I truly enjoy this stage of childhood. I can see his personality blossom more with each passing day; he is so excited about everything this world has to offer. I'm so proud to be his mommy, and I know that God is making me stronger by giving me a child on the verge of walking while simultaneously blessing me with a new life to carry. God is so good and I'm eternally thankful to Him for my family!

Christian Cartoons


Panda Fail

epic fail photos - Slide FAIL

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Have a Hope by Tommy Walker

We sing this in church on Sunday mornings...such an uplifting song; makes me feel like I can face anything that this world has to offer. Praise God....for instilling hope in me!  "The God of Heaven loves me!!!"

Funny Church Signs


Today was another uplifting service at church. The Pastor preached on the story of the lady who had been "bent over" for 18 years, but Jesus made her walk straight. The first thing she did was raise her hands and praise the Lord for taking away her demons that had caused this binding and debilitating condition. The preacher challenged us to ignore the people around us and raise our hands to the skies...reaching towards the Heavens and praising God for all his wonderful works. This was my first time doing that, believe it or not, and I felt so moved by the Holy Spirit...the Lord is truly working in that congregation. Not to mention, there is clapping, and beautiful music and instruments (I even heard the cow bell being played this made me smile because normally I don't hear that instrument during services)...I really feel so uplifted there. This morning's service brought tears to my eyes which is what happens to me when I feel God so close to me...working through me. I am so truly thankful for my salvation and I am open to whatever the Lord has in store for me and my family. Peace be with you all!

Mischievous Dog

Dog Pulls Kid Off Rope Swing - Watch more Funny Videos

Free Sample Fail

epic fail photos - Free Sample FAIL

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy 7 Months Noah

    Noah turned 7 months old today! :-)  I can't believe how quickly time is passing by...I mean, in 5 very short months, we will be planning his 1st birthday party. This will be complete with silly hats and lots of yummy cake. And I'm thinking about letting the theme be a costume party...all the kids (and parents, if they want to) dress up in their favorite outfits...just an idea I had. Anyways, this is a very proud Mommy today...I have a perfect little boy who is 7 months old, and another one on the way who is 8 weeks old...God is so good! 

Sign Fail

Car on Water

Family Circus

Family Circus Cartoon for 08/20/2010

It's a Dad's Life Music Video

It's A Dad's Life - Watch more Funny Videos

Friday, August 20, 2010

7 Weeks, 4 Days

  So, apparently I was a little off in my calculations as to when this little one is due *smile*. But, yes, today marks the almost 8 week mark and we couldn't be happier. We also learned today that our due date is April 4th, 2011. When I saw that heartbeat flashing on the screen, I almost lost it...I swear, it's one of the most powerful things in this world...our new little miracle. *grin*  Our appointment went very well and we really liked the doctor we saw today. We will see a new doctor for each visit (there are four in their practice) so we can get to know each of them...that way, a stranger won't be delivering our baby. We discussed a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) and there is a 5% chance that there could be complications...we're praying about where the Lord wants us to go from here. Keep the prayers coming...that this will be an easy pregnancy and that baby will be happy and healthy! 

Prenatal Visit #1

     Well, we FINALLY have a prenatal visit set up for this morning at 10:30. I decided to switch to a different OB/GYN office in Salem and they were shocked when I told them the other office I was planning on going to had rescheduled my appointment three different times this week. I do believe we are going to like this place MUCH better! *grin*  Anyways, we are having our ultrasound this morning and I can't wait to see our beautiful little baby for the first time. And since I'm almost 9 weeks, it won't look like a blob anymore, but more like a baby. I don't really know why, but I am extremely nervous about today. Please say a prayer that the baby will be happy and healthy and that Mama will be too!  Thanks so much...will update again later. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

People of Walmart

Forget something?

*Look right above the roof of the van at the shopping carts.*

Patience is a Virtue

Sign Fail

epic fail photos - Multitasking WIN

In the Mood to Whine

     I am having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! *sighs*  I don't think it would have seemed QUITE as bad were I not pregnant and extremely hormonal. It started with waking up to a horrible migraine, which refuses to go away. Then, I got a phone call from Lewis Gale saying they had to reschedule my appointment AGAIN!  Let's just say, this was not a very nice Mamma to the lady on the other end of the line. I quote this..."This better not happen again because my husband has already taken off two days this week because of your rescheduling..." and do you know what she had the nerve to say to me??? "...there's no need to threaten me because you're upset!"  I told her I wasn't threatening her but that it was absolutely RIDICULOUS...anyways, I spoke to her manager and she was much nicer and said she completely understood me getting upset and that she would reschedule me for Tuesday of next week and she would make sure that our appointment wouldn't be least she was nice. I've decided that if they are rude to me or if they have to reschedule again, we are going to go to Carilion or back to Montgomery OB/GYN. Then, we went to WalMart and let's just say that people who are supposed to be Christians, are extremely in, a former church member saw me and refused to thankful we have moved on with our lives. Anyways, please pray for me that the Lord will soften my heart towards this individual, because I do not like to feel resentment towards anyone...and that he will soothe these pregnancy mood swings and hormonal issues...*smile*  God is so good and I want the light of the Lord to shine through me in every way possible...:-)  I pray that each of your has a blessed day!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gummy Bear Song

Very bizarre, but for some reason, had me cracking up! *smile*

Host Can't Stop Laughing

8 Weeks Old

     Well, today is the 8 week mark; 2 months down and 7 left to go. As most of you who are keeping up with my blog already know, my first prenatal appointment was rescheduled for Friday, because the doctor was sick yesterday. I was a little bummed at first but then a sweet friend made the point that at least me and the baby couldn't catch whatever he that made my day and outlook better. Anyways, I know I am closer to 8 weeks, 2 days, but since I started posting each Wednesday, I'm going to keep that up until I go for my visit on Friday and can know my exact due date. :-) Anyways, here is what is going on with little Baby J. this week. 

Week 8 of Pregnancy: Looking Like a Baby

At a length of about half an inch right now, your baby has graduated from blueberry-sized to raspberry-sized. Baby is growing in your womb about a millimeter each day, and is looking a lot less reptilian and more baby-like, as lips, nose and eyelids take shape.
How's your baby measuring up this week? At a length of about half an inch right now, your baby has graduated from blueberry-sized to raspberry-sized. But weekly growth is getting a bit hard to estimate, and here's why: Growth occurs at about the rate of one millimeter each day, but that growth isn't necessarily just in height.  Spurts can occur in the arms, legs, back, and other parts of your baby's body. So, big changes will be occurring every which way in the coming months.

What else is changing at 
8 weeks pregnant? A close-up view of your little embryo (say cheese!) would reveal a more baby-like appearance (and thankfully, a less reptilian one). You'd see an upper lip forming, the protruding tip of that cute button nose, and tiny (and very thin) eyelids. And check out those hands and feet! Your baby's webbed fingers and toes are differentiating now, so give your baby a round of applause.
All this growing is exciting for your baby too. How do you know? His or her heart is beating at the incredible rate of 150 times per minute. (That's twice as fast as your heart beats.) Your baby's digs are growing, too. Amniotic fluid increases at a rate of about two tablespoons per week to accommodate your womb's growing tenant.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Howie Mandel Freaks Out!

Insane Stunt

Insane Saw Blade Handstand - Watch more Funny Videos



I have once walked a path that you are strolling down now. A path so bright with sunshine, and vivid tall blossoms. A whole different world than what we are used to, a world that offers nothing but the greatest gift God can give. The path may seem long, and sometimes you get weary. Each step may be rather demanding, each muscle may learn to ache a little more. But this path is one that was given to you, a path to lead you into a whole new world that is so bright on the other side. A world that keeps on giving, a world that has an endless sunshine. The path you walk now must be remembered. You must cherish each step you take, even when it drains your body. Cherish every aching muscle, and every swollen ankle. Cherish every sleepless night and every queasy morning. Cherish every extended waiting room visit, and every new feeling in your body. Cherish every difficult move, and every tight pair of pants. Cherish that first time you heard his heart beat, that first time you felt the flutter of his swimming feet, and the first time you saw it was a boy. There is no greater miracle than this blessing bestowed on you. One that will last a lifetime, one that will bring you and your husband a richness to your world. Cherish this birthday, for you have the greatest gift in that which lies within you. A gift that none could compare, one that, when opened, will be a bright shining star of God's love for you. for there is no greater miracle than the very first time you see his eyes looking back at you, there is no greater miracle than the very first time you feel his soft breath on your cheek. Cherish every moment as he grows inside of you, because time takes off after you first learn of his existence. Cherish every day, whether good or bad, and always remember, the greatest sign of God is love.
*Out of love, you've created a new life.*

Found with Google images. (search word; pregnancy poetry)

To Everything There is a Season

<< Ecclesiastes 3 >>
American King James Version

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
9 What profit has he that works in that wherein he labors? 10 I have seen the travail, which God has given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He has made every thing beautiful in his time: also he has set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end.


    Well, the nurse called me this morning from the Dr. Walsh's office to let me know we were going to have to reschedule my appointment for Friday...because he is sick. *sighs*  When I asked if there was anyone else who could see me today her reply was that they were all on vacation....well, let's just say I hope no one has an emergency today. Anyways, I'm a little bummed, well, ok, a lot bummed but that's all right. Today made me wish we had just went to Montgomery OB/GYN again...anyways, oh well. Just please pray for me and that I would have a more positive attitude about everything. :-)  God is so good and I know this was for a reason!

Monday, August 16, 2010


     Well, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! We are heading to the doctor bright and early to have an ultrasound of this little baby bean inside my tummy. I truly cannot wait to hear the sweet thing's of the biggest miracles I have witnessed in my lifetime...knowing that God created a living being to grow inside of me and has given him/her to me to grow up as a disciple for Christ. I can't wait to post pictures so be on the lookout tomorrow for a blog update of our visit. 
    Wow, I can't believe in seven short months, we will be parents of two. That's definitely exciting but a tad scary as well...for the simple fact that I'm terrified about have two babies that little; a 15 month old and a newborn. I sure am going to have my hands full. *smile* But I know that this is all part of God's perfect plan and I can't wait to see what He has in store for our family. PRAISE GOD!

Office Humor

Awesome Frisbee Catch

Ultimate Frisbee Diving Catch - Watch more Sports

It Strikes Again

     Well, the morning sickness has struck again....but this time, it caused me to pull my neck muscle. Now, I can't  turn my head to the right and if I try to, I have an insane amount of pain that makes me nauseous and want to pass out. It's been really rough for me already because I am having trouble picking Noah up...I know that only by the grace of God will i make it through this day. Please keep me in your prayers and that this neck pain will go away soon. :-)  

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trailer for Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail: The Movie Official Trailer - Watch more Game Trailers

Garfield Without John

Garfield Without Jon

Facebook Reminder

Facebook Birthday Card

Laughing Babies are the Best

Family Circus

Awkward First Date

Thirst for the Lord

Matthew 5:6 (New International Version)

6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
      for they will be filled.

     I was so blessed by the sermon at church this morning. For almost a year Caleb and I have been praying that God will lead us to a new church family. We, unfortunately, left our previous one for a situation that was beyond on control. It was devastating for us and I have shed more tears than I can count over having to leave. Throughout the past year we have visited many different churches, including Baptist, Southern Baptist, non-denominational and our most current, St. John Lutheran. For months, I questioned God..."why did this happen? why did WE have to leave? why didn't people reach out to us when we needed it?" But finally, through much prayer and devotion, God has shown us that He wanted us to was for a reason; that we closed an old chapter in our lives and are opening a new one. We have felt so uplifted by the sermons at the St. John and they mesh more with our beliefs. Just an the previous churches we've been members at (all Baptist) we were told that the wine discussed in the bible wasn't really "wine", but instead more of a juice-like drink. We were always confused by that statement, since in several passages it also says, not to become drunk. 

Genesis 9:21 (New International Version)

21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.

1 Samuel 1:14 (New International Version)

14 and said to her, "How long will you keep on getting drunk? Get rid of your wine."

1 Peter 4:3-4 - "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatires; wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you." (Excess of in, it's ok to drink in moderation)

4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel,  It is not for kings to drink wine,  Or for rulers to desire strong drink, 5 For they will drink and forget what is decreed,  And pervert the rights of all the afflicted. 6 Give strong drink to him who is perishing,  And wine to him whose life is bitter. 7 Let him drink and forget his poverty  And remember his trouble no more. 
      .  Eat, Drink, Be Merry!

Why, in the same sentence would it say drink wine...then became drunk, if the wine was really juice?  

     We do not believe that God teaches us to abstain from "strong drink" but that we should not become drunk. If people do not drink in moderation, then they should not drink at all...but if they are able to drink responsibly, then we believe it is acceptable. 

    The Lutheran church we are attending is even having a wine tasting in a couple of weeks. Just much similar to what our own beliefs, finally feeling like we've found where we need to be. Still, lots of prayers will be sent up in the weeks/months to follow and if this is where God wants us to be, I have faith we will know. Please continue to pray for us in this area of our lives...PRAISE GOD FOR EACH DAY AND EVERY BLESSING HE BESTOWS!  


Friday, August 13, 2010

Teacher Humor

epic fail photos - Teacher WIN

Flip Fail

epic fail photos - Flip FAIL

Man Uses Cane to Run Off Robber

Old Man Wards Off Robber With Cane - Watch more Funny Videos

Sleep Deprived

      I was up at 5:30 a.m. today because this adorable little baby in my belly didn't want me to sleep. *grin*  I never had problems with Insomnia when I was pregnant with Noah Bug, but this pregnancy is very different. I'm tired, but I can't sleep, the morning sickness hits randomly (opposed to before when I was sick all day, everyday) and I'm already starting to gain weight. Don't get me wrong, it's better in a lot of ways, as in, I feel like I have more energy and my acne hasn't flared up...not to mention, time is going by so much faster now, so in less than a week, I'll be 2 months pregnant. WOW!  That only leaves 7 months left to very exciting. 
     Anyways, today I am taking Noah downtown to visit the Science Museum. We're picking Daddy up from work so he can come with us. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to it. I, myself, haven't been to the museum in years, so I'll have fun there...they have a hands on exhibit which I'm sure Noah is going to love. I will be taking my camera and as long as photography is allowed, I'll be sure to update later with pictures. Anyways, I hope each of you has a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

World's Longest Basketball Shot

World's Longest Basketball Shot Ever - Watch more Funny Videos

The Debate about Names

     So, Caleb and I have been debating about what to name this baby if it turns out to be a boy. We definitely know we want the middle name to be Lucas, but can't seem to agree on a first name. I really like the names Connor, Rylan, Mason, Hayden, and Bricen. Caleb likes the name Desmond...*sighs*  Who knew that picking a baby name could be so hard. With Noah, we had our names picked out before we were even married *laughs* so this second time is a bit more challenging. I hope that it turns out to be a girl, because that name we've already got ready to go. Hayleigh Marie (Hayleigh because Leigh was my mom's middle name and Marie, because it was my grandma's middle name). 
     If anyone has any suggestions we are willing to consider them. :-)  Thanks for your help!!!

World's Worst Jobs

Funny Pictures

Male vs. Female Shopping Spree

Funny Pictures

So True

Funny Pictures

Irony at it's Best? Worst?



Scary - Fun Animals

Bizarre Facts about Facebook

10 Bizarre Facts You Ought to Know about FaceBook

Posted on September 4, 2009

Filed Under General, Social Bookmarking, Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Uncategorized

Facebook… A phenomenon, a revelation, a lifestyle, the eighth wonder of the world… I can just go on and might probably even run out of synonyms that will do justice to this 21st Century marvel. There are very few sites or companies that can boast the success Facebook enjoys… let’s see, Google, Microsoft, Amazon…? Hmmm, can’t think of too many sites that can compete with Facebook when it comes to popularity. Hell, it’s almost become a religion now (& I’m a follower I confess ). In the 5 years it has existed Facebook has changed the way people live. I’m afraid we live our lives through Facebook, for Facebook & with Facebook! It’s become so bad that I don’t think I can even remember the time when Facebook was not there!

All said & done Facebook is equal to oxygen for millions & millions of people (including me!) but do we know the journey it has gone through? Here are 10 Bizarre Facts about Facebook we ought to know…

1. More than 60 % of men and women have used Facebook to stalk their ex… & why not???

It’s like godsend for jilted ex-lovers who want to know each & everything their ex is doing after dumping them! Your ex will not know you’re following their every move & there’s no way you’ll get caught… perfect! No more public humiliation & so much information… ahem

2. ??? Pictures Uploaded Monthly on Facebook

I don’t know about other people but whenever I attend a party or go for a holiday I take lots of pictures. This may seem normal but what you don’t know is that many of these photos are being taken only to post on Facebook. I also know that I am not the only one doing it. Of course there was a time when we use to click snaps for memories but hard core Facebook users like me will tell you that is no longer the case.

So we all keep posting all our photos on Facebook to share with our friends but have you ever stopped to wonder how many pictures are uploaded monthly??? The answer is 1 Billion!! That means 333,333,333 photos every day! No wonder the site keeps getting stuck so many times… I don’t blame you Facebook!

3. Active users

Lets take a look at the number of active members in Facebook over the years. In Dec 2004 there were 1 million active users in Facebook which grew to 5.5 million in 2005, 12 million in 2006, 50 million in 2007, 100 million in 2008 & has increased to 250 million as of July 2009!!! That is a growth of 250% in 5 years. Really man, Facebook IS making the world a smaller place.

4. More than 30 million users update their status at least once each day

This is not so much about Facebook but about how people lose their mind sometimes on Facebook. We all know that Facebook allows you to update your Status… but some people really take it to another level! I just couldn’t leave these gems out; you have to see for yourself…

o … can speak French in Russian..

o …’s charm is so contagious that a vaccine was created for it.

o … thinks that a day without sunshine is like night.

o … is a lover not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter so don’t get any ideas.

o … is so broke that she’s going to KFC to lick other peoples fingers.

o … feels ashamed of his smoking but it’s better that I smoke this and let the dreams of the cigarette workers come true then to be selfish & worry about my lungs.

5. 85%+ of all college students use FACEBOOK and 70% of them log in EVERYDAY

Facebook is a favorite for all age groups but it seems that young people, especially the college going crowd have played a major role in making Facebook what it is. 85% of college students have Facebook profiles & 60-70% of them login daily or at least one a week. I reckon the college authorities should start having Facebook as a subject, what say people!

6. Facebook Hates Breastfeeding Mothers!

This is weird but had to be mentioned… Facebook apparently removes photos uploaded by mothers breastfeeding their babies; some accounts have even been deleted for this. Really Facebook?? I really don’t even want to know why!

7. Sorry Pal, We Don’t Like Your Name

Also, people with strange sounding names (e.g. Leboe’ or ‘Allien’) can have their FACEBOOK accounts deleted without any further explanation. These names could be genuine names & could mean anything in their local language! What can I say, all the Leboes & Alliens watch out for your Facebook account then!

8. It’s Addictive

Psychologists have introduced a diagnosis FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder) as a new kind of addiction & I’m afraid I’m very close to it ? … actually, if you are reading this article I guess you are too!

9. Mark Zuckerberg, founder and owner of Facebook is the world’s youngest billionaire worth $1.5 billion & counting…you know what Mark you deserve it… for bringing Facebook into our lives! ?

10. A country that bans FACEBOOK!

Where? What? Why? These are the questions that come to your mind when you read the above statement right? Well, the country is Syria. It actually started as a precaution against some campaign which is said to promote false teachings about religion & war. However, some say that it was because of the government’s fear of people creating virtual societies & resulting in an uprising.

If I start collecting such crazy information about Facebook I’m afraid I’ll have to write an article like this every day for I don’t know how long. So I’ve decided not to go down that road … I’m happy just being a citizen of Facebook & expanding my world through it.

I’m sure that you had a great time reading about these amazing Facebook facts. It has been great having you read my post; I’ll try to get you more interesting articles like this in the future as well! Now let’s all get back to where we want to be most… Facebook, of course!!! Click here to share this link on your profile page in Facebook or you could even tweet this by clicking here!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Woman Loses It at McDonalds

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7 Weeks Pregnant

  Well, I said I would try to write a post for each week I am pregnant. Today I am 7 weeks and I am so excited to see baby for the first time next week. We have our appointment on Tuesday morning; first they are going to do the ultrasound and then I'm meeting with the doctor right afterwards to discuss things. As most of you already know, I saw a midwife for my first pregnancy and I absolutely LOVED her...we had Noah at Montgomery Regional Birth Center and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to bring Noah into this world. The one regret I did have was that I had to have a c-section...I'm really praying that won't be the case this time. Anyways, here are some facts about this week!

See how your baby's growing:

The big news this week: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.

If you could see inside your womb, you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing, and her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from her tiny body.

For more information click HERE!

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