Monday, August 26, 2013

This and That

     Today is the first day in over two weeks that all the kids have taken a nap at the same time. I was pretty shocked when Noah picked up his blankets and headed towards the bedroom; guess we wore him out this weekend. I'm just thankful to have a little downtime because I woke up with a horrible migraine, which thankfully, felt a little better after taking some medicine.
     Not too much has happened around here recently. We did find out that my Hubby has a week long business trip coming up in October. The positive side to this is that I am able to tag along. I think we will take Noah and  Hales too, since they can really enjoy the beach. Poor Lucas just tries to eat the sand and I'm not sure I can keep up with all three of them while Hubby is attending business meetings during the day. We are blessed with great friends who have volunteered to watch Lucas, though, so VERY thankful for that.
     Well, my break was short little Noah Bug just walked downstairs, awake from his nap. :-)  Hope all of you has a blessed day!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Living Lighter

     I spent my morning going through all my clothes and ridding myself of anything I haven't worn in a year or more. I have a habit of holding onto everything...especially clothes. But I feel surprisingly "lighter". Like a weight has been lifted and I can enjoy all the extra space that I now have in my closet. The challenge will be getting my Hubby to agree to do the same, lol. He is just as bad as I am about not wanting to part with anything.
     I feel like I've finally got my photography business up and going the way I have always dreamed about. In the next week, I have THREE photo shoots and am praying for more bookings to follow. I truly feel this is the direction God is leading be a stay at home Mom AND pursue my dreams of photography. God is so good and I know that He will guide me regardless of the plans in store. For anyone in need of photos, please visit my website when you get a chance.