Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dirt Road Anthem

     I just got finished cleaning the entire apartment...and that means the works; vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing the bathroom top to bottom, etc. I also got the dishes done and ALL the laundry washed, folded and put, I feel VERY accomplished, lol. So thankful Hubby said he wanted to make dinner tonight, because I'm pooped. 
     Well, I guess it's time to get off of here since dinner is almost ready and Noah Bug, being the Mama's boy he is, wants only me to play right now, lol. Ahhh, the joys of  motherhood! *grin*  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


     So, today is the first time I've actually had time to sit down and blog (other than posting a few quick pictures and whatnot). Life is going REALLY well and I couldn't be happier. Noah gets sillier by the day and I love that. He is starting to string words together to make sentences which simply amazes me...I didn't think he would be able to do that for a few more months. Just the other morning, he heard Hales crying in her crib, and ran to get me, saying "Get up Sissy!!!" Which, in his little toddler lingo, means, "Hey Mom, get Sissy up because she is crying!" And speaking of Little Miss Haleigh, she is doing very well, too. I feel bad because I post more pictures of Noah on here than her, but she is almost always asleep. She sleeps for a good part of the day and all through the night. I'm not complaining, because it is awesome getting a full night's sleep so soon after having her. 
     Caleb and I are looking very forward to our weekend getaway soon. It was supposed to be the first weekend in July, but we had to change it because we wanted to stay here in town for the fourth of July. Noah Bug absolutely LOVES fireworks and we don't miss out on celebrating with him and Halebop; although, I'm pretty sure Haleigh isn't going to be a fan of the loud popping, but we shall see. And I couldn't leave out our Richmond trip (2 WEEKS LEFT!!!). It will just be nice to get out of Salem this month...I really like it here, but the prospect of moving somewhere different is really appealing to me right now. Caleb and I have been discussing if and when we should try a move to somewhere else...possibly Richmond or maybe even Florida. We are praying about it really hard and want to do ONLY the Lord's will. So, if you wouldn't mind, please say a prayer for us as we undertake this huge decision. 
     Well, it's off of here for now, because what I though would be a long break just turned into a short one; apparently, Noah wants nothing to do with naptime today...HOORAY, or not! :-)  

Sunday, June 26, 2011


     "No wonder boys are faster....they have a speed stick and ball bearings!!"

Here is my facebook status of the evening:

So, tonight, Caleb was changing Haleigh's diaper and Noah was watching him. Noah started freaking out and pointing at Hale's girl parts, shouting "Ouch! Ouch! Where is it?" Then he proceeded to look around the house for her "boy parts". We tried explaining that God makes little girls and boys different, but he went to bed very upset because he 
thought sissy had lost hers, lol. *grin* Gotta love kids.

I love my little boy...I can already see he is going to bring me so much happiness in life. Being a Mom is hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world! I'm so very thankful the Lord has blessed me with this amazing opportunity. 

Spent $20 and Got....

    Proud of our buys for the day. :-)
Getting ready to fix dinner, so it's off of here for now. I'm so thankful the Lord blessed us with such a beautiful weekend.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Free Book I Created on Shutterfly

    Got a code for a free photo book from Shutterfly. :-)

"Mommy, Daddy, and Noah Time"

     So, Sissy has been falling asleep around 7:30 every night and since big brother doesn't have to go to bed until 8:30, that's meant one on one time with Bug...WHICH HE LOVES! I got some cute pictures and videos of my big boy in all of his toddler glory, tonight. *grin*  I just can't get over how quick little man is growing up on us...but loving every second of it! :-)

Yummy cereal for breakfast...he only gets a sugary breakfast once a week! So, this was a treat for him. 

Walking around in Daddy's shoes.

Noah can already stack blocks 5 high, and by the age of 18 months he should only be able to stack 3. :-)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Good Day

     Just wanted to write a quick post and blog about my AMAZING HUBBY!!! He is, and always has been, such an incredibly hard worker. He works overtime, even when he doesn't have to, just so we can have money in savings...that way, when extra stuff comes up, we won't have to take it out of paychecks, but our account. Praise the Lord he is at a job where OT is still available, because I know that so many places no longer offer it...especially with the way the economy is these days. And yesterday, all that hard work paid off; he got another promotion!!! 
To my Hubby:
     And I am SO PROUD OF YOU, BABE!  The way you take care of us brings tears to my eyes...I love you! I am truly blessed to be your wife and Noah and Haleigh are blessed to have you as their Daddy! *smooch*

     Off of here now to head out with the family! :-)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Fun

    I just want to start this post by stating I have the BEST HUBBY IN THE UNIVERSE!!! I am so thankful God has blessed me with an amazing husband and for my children, a wonderful father.  We started the weekend by hitting up Best Buy, where Caleb said he would buy me a digital printer (I've been wanting one for a LONG time...but most specifically for my new couponing addiction, haha). We also picked up a new coffee pot to go with the mug the kids got him for Father's Day

     AND a new blender...our other one had a slight malfunction while fixing our frozen banana margaritas. So, yeah...we bought a new one. We finished up there and headed back home so the kids could take their naps; while they were doing that, I researched and printed off digital coupons on my new wireless printer (and let me just say I got that on sale half off...NEVER AGAIN will I pay retail for anything).
     Caleb said he wanted to fix dinner, something we always fight over because it means the one cooking gets a break from the kids for the day,, it's relaxing. So, Caleb fixed baked chicken with Asian rub seasoning, honey mustard glaze and brown rice....YUMMY!

     This morning we woke up and gave Daddy LOTS of cuddles because it is Father's Day of course! *GRIN* It was a rough day because this is the first Father's Day without his own Dad being here with us on Earth. I'm thankful that Caleb has two little ones of his own though, because that seemed to make today easier on give us strength we never knew we had. :-)  So, yeah, we went to Craig and had breakfast at my Granny Spitzer's and celebrated today with my Dad. Then we went to Granny Jones' and celebrated with my stepdad, Luke. It was a pretty good day...bittersweet, but we knew it would be so we were prepared for it.
     After we left Craig we decided to head out to CVS and do some quick couponing...and we did fantastic!!!  Ended up with $66 worth of stuff for $ was FANTASTIC!!! Here were our finds for the day:

    Now, we are back at home relaxing and trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. Maybe I will get to cook tonight, lol!!! Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


   So, as some of you know, I've REALLY gotten into couponing over the last couple of weeks. It's definitely starting to pay off, too. *grin*  Here are the items we have gotten for free in the last week..

1) 3 tubes of toothpaste (one was BOGO at CVS, already on sale, and I had a coupon which made 2 for free. The other I requested a free sample and it is currently in the mail on it's way to ME!)

2) Ocean Spray drink...again, another free sample.

3) Razor- On sale for $8 at CVS. I had a $4 off coupon and got $4 rewardbucks back, which makes the razor FREE.

4) Four containers of Lysol cleaning products (Buy 2 get 2 FREE...only paid $4 total for the other two because I had a coupon off of one of those).

    So, yeah, I am pretty happy with my most recent hobby. Not only is it FUN, but we are saving a ton of money...last shopping trip the total came to $52 but we only paid $20 after coupons! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Sundays have turned into a type of date for hubby and I...we clip coupons together and then go shopping to see how much we can save. Quite the adrenaline rush when you see a large total but end up paying 60% less than that after store card and coupons. Anyways, just wanted to update about my newest adventure..hope all is well with each of you!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


     I have new words to add to the list of Noah's growing vocabulary. He now knows the following words (in no particular order)

2."Big Trouble"
4. Whoops
5.Crap (my fault for this's the word I use instead of "curse words" but still, not exactly nice when coming from a toddler)
6.Chips (his new favorite snack...and you can just bet I have to deal with at least a tantrum a day when I tell him chips aren't an "ok" snack all the he throws his apple slices on the floor, lol)
    Can't believe our little man already knows so many words. There are more he uses but just not quite as often as these. This is one VERY PROUD Mama. 

Oh, and on a positive note, Haleigh is sleeping through the night already...and she is only 2 1/2 months old. I thought the night before last was just a fluke but she did it again last night. I'm walking on air with all this sleep I've been getting. And right now, both the kids are down for their naps (for 2 hours) at the same time. First time I've managed to get them to nap this long at the same time. Anyways, hope everyone is having a great week!!! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congratulations to the Abbotts!!!

   Our good friends, Emily and Fletcher, got married last night!!! She made an absolutely beautiful bride and I know these two are absolutely perfect for each other. God bless you both!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Very Busy July

1st Weekend-Getaway with hubby for the night. :-)  Heading to Monticello since hubs has never been there and I absolutely LOVE it.

2nd Weekend-Heading to Richmond to visit Sam, Becca, Emilie and Henry (YES!!!)

July 12th-Our 3 year wedding anniversary. LOVE YOU TO THE MOON, HUSBAND!!!

3rd Weekend-Watching Cedric and Caroline walk down the aisle! (Congratulations, friends)

4th Weekend-Going away party for a friend.

5th Weekend-Helping out with Grace Baptist Vacation Bible School.

     So, all in all, I'm extremely pleased with next month. This is the first time our schedule has been so packed...pretty much since we were in college. Anyways, getting off of here for now. We've got a busy day ahead...Anna and Allen are coming over to hang out and then we are all heading out to see Emily get married!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

More Pics

More Good News

    Caleb doesn't have to work tomorrow...HOORAY! He exceeded his required numbers so that means no OT to try to play "catch up". HOORAY!!! Time for a jig, lol. It's just been an awesome couple of days. OH, and Noah learned a new word which he has been saying ALL DAY...and it's super cute. Whenever he drops something or can't figure something out he shouts, "WHOOPS!!!, in that cute little toddler voice of his. *grin* Off of here to get the kids ready. We are eating at Chipotle (sp?) tonight and I am really looking forward to it...then off to Target to buy a baby gate. :-)  Toodles!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


    I have spent this evening walking on air. *GRIN* We Skyped with our Richmond friends today and it was up on my list of great things that have happened this week, lol.  PLUS...we are spending a weekend with them next month and I can't wait to see them and the kids!!!! *happy dance* (Yes, Becca...I have LITERALLY been doing happy dances all evening, haha). 
    Anyways, just wanted to share that tidbit of information...I AM HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!! Ok...gotta calm down now. HEEHEE.
   We just put the kiddos to bed and they are "talking" to each other. It makes me giggle to listen to Noah's big boy words and Halebop's coos and giggles. All in's just been a terrific day and I thank God for it. I without a doubt can say I AM TRULY BLESSED! Anyways, off of here to get ready for bed and start, what I'm sure will be, another VERY long day tomorrow. Night!!!

Language Explosion

    This week Noah FINALLY starting stringing words together to make sentences and his vocabulary is increasing by the day. This morning, he said "book", "milk", "sissy". And then he actually told me what he wanted  INSTEAD OF POINTING by saying, "mama, milk, peaze (please)". Last night he said to Caleb, "wub-ew" (i love you). I just can't get over how fast he is growing up. 
    Haleigh has started laughing and cooing like crazy. She cracks me up, lol. She can also roll over from her stomach to her back already and I am so proud of her (and Bug of course). :-)  I will try to update with more pictures soon. The kids naps are overlapping so I only have about a 15-20 minute break each day. That kind of stinks but it also allows me to have one on one time with each that's nice. Anyways, hope ya'll have a great day!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's Only Monday?

WOW...I am exhausted already. Wondering how I will make it through the rest of the week. *sighs*  Been praying that the Lord will give me the strength I need, lol. Well, it's off to take a shower and then head to bed....which is starting to quickly become my favorite moment of the day; laying my head on my pillow and drifting off to sleep. *grin*  Have a great night!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hyper Noah

Summer 2011

   It's already been an exciting start to the summer. We are thoroughly enjoying our new home and this awesome weather we have been having. Wanted to do a quick post and brag on my babies, lol. Noah can finally drink out of a "big boy" cup without a lid AND use a spoon. I am so proud of our little man. And little miss Hales has started holding her head up on her own...which is awesome! Can't get over how big my littles are getting!  Anyways, hope everyone has a great start to their weeks. And if you wouldn't mind, please say a prayer for me; recently, Noah has started throwing horrible tantrums (and all my other Mommy friends who have kids around that age assure me it's not my fault...just a phase he is going through). It just wears me down having to constantly sit him in time out (and most recently, smack his hand) and it breaks my heart. I HATE, HATE, HATE being the bad guy! And I know it's what I'm supposed to do to teach him right for wrong, but it's not any fun. :-(  I always thought it would be easier to be the one doing the punishing instead of receiving it but I was so WRONG!!! It's so much harder. So yeah, just pray I keep a positive, Godly attitude and that the Lord gives me the strength and patience I need to to deal with a terrible twos toddler and his newly born baby sister.

Noah is finally using a big boy cup.

Getting ready to hit the pool!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sleep Deprived

    Starting to feel really sick from the constant lack of sleep I've been getting. *sighs*  I know this is all a part of being a Mommy but I'm going on day 15 of less than 6 hours of sleep at night. Hubby and I discussed it today and since Noah is refusing to sleep past 6am, his bedtime will be moved from 8:30 to 7:30. At least this way I will be able to get to bed an hour earlier which will give me an extra hour of sleep every night. I'm praying this works because if it doesn't...well, I don't really care to think about that at the moment, haha. Off of here now to try to get some much need ZZZs. :-)  Night everyone!!!

Getting Adjusted

     Noah has been on a "waking Mommy up at the butt crack of dawn" kick...which I think is just awesome! *note the sarcasm* So yeah, I've been fairly sleep deprived most days but am doing my absolute best to maintain a positive attitude. I keep praying this is a short phase and he will eventually think it's cooler to sleep until 9ish, or so. Somehow, I don't see this happening anytime soon, haha. But oh well, it gives me more time with my kids and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I"m just so thankful God has blessed us financially so I'm able to be a stay at home Mom. I don't think I could bear leaving them for an entire day...but, I'm sure if it ever came to that, the Lord would give me the strength I would need to do whatever it would take to provide for my family. :-) 
     This evening we are having a huge cookout at our new place. Every person we invited RSVPed except for one so it's going to be quite a few people. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. We are grilling hotdogs and hamburgers complete with all the fixings! I'm just so happy to be in our new home...there are so many perks to living here and our neighbors are super nice. 
     Well, I'm off to fix some lunch while the babies are napping....quite a rare occasion to get them both to nap at the same time so I'm thanking God for that! I really needed a break today. CIAO!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Half Finished Nursery...and other finished rooms.

    Still have a few things left to add to the nursery (including pictures/rug etc.). But, here are a few of the latest photos of the kids' room, kitchen, and our bedroom. Enjoy.

Our Dining Room (Completed)
The picture above the table is one of my own photographs (taken in Key West, FL).