Tuesday, August 17, 2010



I have once walked a path that you are strolling down now. A path so bright with sunshine, and vivid tall blossoms. A whole different world than what we are used to, a world that offers nothing but the greatest gift God can give. The path may seem long, and sometimes you get weary. Each step may be rather demanding, each muscle may learn to ache a little more. But this path is one that was given to you, a path to lead you into a whole new world that is so bright on the other side. A world that keeps on giving, a world that has an endless sunshine. The path you walk now must be remembered. You must cherish each step you take, even when it drains your body. Cherish every aching muscle, and every swollen ankle. Cherish every sleepless night and every queasy morning. Cherish every extended waiting room visit, and every new feeling in your body. Cherish every difficult move, and every tight pair of pants. Cherish that first time you heard his heart beat, that first time you felt the flutter of his swimming feet, and the first time you saw it was a boy. There is no greater miracle than this blessing bestowed on you. One that will last a lifetime, one that will bring you and your husband a richness to your world. Cherish this birthday, for you have the greatest gift in that which lies within you. A gift that none could compare, one that, when opened, will be a bright shining star of God's love for you. for there is no greater miracle than the very first time you see his eyes looking back at you, there is no greater miracle than the very first time you feel his soft breath on your cheek. Cherish every moment as he grows inside of you, because time takes off after you first learn of his existence. Cherish every day, whether good or bad, and always remember, the greatest sign of God is love.
*Out of love, you've created a new life.*

Found with Google images. (search word; pregnancy poetry)

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