Sunday, November 9, 2014

Waiting on Baby...

Impatiently, I may add. Very impatiently waiting on Judah. :-)  As of the 36 week mark, I was 25% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I know that doesn't sound like much but it was really surprising because normally at 36 weeks, I'm 0 and 0. I went for a walk with the family today and I'm considering eating a pineapple a day in the hopes of forcing this baby out, lol. Not really, but it's nice to think that one of our four children will come on his own, when he is fully ready, without being forced out by a c-section.
For the past few days, my contractions have been crazy painful and are occurring pretty often. I'm so worried I'll make the decision to go to the hospital and they'll just send me home. (Can you tell this has happened often in past pregnancies?) The only reason I'm a bit more worried this time around is that my doctor said that if I went into labor I needed to go immediately to labor and delivery because this will be my fourth c-secition, and there is more risk involved this time. So, yeah, I'm stuck. I guess I'll just keep laboring/pre-laboring here at home for as long as I can manage and when things get too painful I'll just head into the hospital. Hopefully, this time they will keep me and not send me home, because I really don't want to pay for an additional ER visit on top of the regular hospital stay.
Speaking of that, they finally got our surgery scheduled for November 25th at 11:15 a.m. So, either way, we are only 16ish days away from meeting sweet Baby JuJu Bean. :-) I really need to try to be patient but that's never been a strong point of mine; I'm working on it.
Any who, guess I'm going to get off of here for now. My sweet Hubby is catching up from where we skipped a school day last week (which is so stinking awesome we have that option as homeschoolers). I'm going to continue to pray these contractions continue to get stronger so I can have this BABY!!! Night y'all!!

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