Tuesday, July 30, 2013

gods at war

     Truly enjoying our new study called gods at war, by Kyle Idleman. It's main focus is on the heart and how there are false gods at war within all of us. The reason that we aren't following Jesus as we should is because we are focused on the little g gods; for example, entertainment, sexual desires, food, work...you name it. If it's taking your focus off of God, then chances are, you have formed it into an idol. Not to say that these things are bad, as God created each of them for our enjoyment. It's just that when we replace God with anything, it takes our focus off of eternal life and puts the spotlight onto wordly things.
     After reading half of the book and delving more into scripture, I'm actually quite surprised at how many "idols" I've set up in my home. When reading the Bible, or when hearing someone mention the word idol, images of bronze monkeys with big bellies or statues of two headed women come to mind. But think of it this way...Idleman tells the story of a friend he knew who had visited another country for a mission trip. The family he was staying with (along with most families in that country) had an idol placed on what we would call a mantel. Every piece of furniture was arranged to face (and worship) this idol. When I first read it, I just shook my head and thought "that's horrible...what a sad life". But then as I read farther into the book, Idleman makes a good point...what, in our American  homes does our furniture face? TELEVISION!! And then I thought, we don't have just one tv in our home...we have three. :-(  And then I started thinking about the amount of time I spend watching pointless shows, feeling bored and how little time I've spent in reading scripture and seeking God's face...and how sad that made me.
      This week, I'm making an effort to fast from several things that I've set up as idols in my home. There will be less tv, less junk food, and by far...less computer time. I will spend these hours with my family, enjoying their company and learning/teaching scripture. I am so thankful that the Lord has opened my eyes to my wrong doings of idol worship.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

ABCs and 123s

     Can't wait to officially begin preschool with the kiddos next month. :-)  I've slowly been building my teaching collection and can't wait to put it to use. I've got workbooks galore, new boxes of crayons and colored pencils, coloring books, flash cards, and bought a bulletin board today. The kids (and ME) are so excited to be learning at home. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with the opportunity and ability to stay at home and teach my children. I'm not saying that every public school is bad, nor do I look down on those who choose public school for their families...I'm just saying this is the right decision for us, based on our thoughts and beliefs. And the cool thing about this is that the majority of my friends will also be homeschooling, so the kids will have the social interaction that's needed for their ages. :-)
     Please pray for us as we embark on this new journey. I blinked and Noah Bug turned into a little boy on me, lol. It's hard to believe that our son will be starting Kindergarten next year, but I can't wait to see all that he accomplishes. If anyone has any homeschooling/preschool advice, please send me an email...I'd love to hear from you. My new email address is rljohnston26@outlook.com

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Glasses!!!

  Photo: My new glasses...which I am in love with! :-)

     I got my new glasses in the mail today. I am so thankful I came across the Zenni Optical website because for some majorly expensive glasses, I only paid $40. I'm still kind of bummed my optical condition won't allow me to wear contacts, but at least I have an awesome website to order from that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. :-)
     An update on my PMDD...my meds are working out GREAT! This is my first full month back on them and I am so thankful I made the decision to discuss my mood swings with my doctor. I've felt WONDERFUL the last couple of weeks and am back to my old self again. Hubby is super thankful for that since I'm not biting his head off over every little thing these days, lol. I'm currently only taking 50 mg for the first two weeks of my cycle and 75 mg for the luteal phase. If for some reason I revert back to the inability to control my emotions, worst case scenario is we up my dosage. I'm just praising God that I was born in a time where these types of conditions are well known, publicly discussed, and able to be treated.
     Off of here now to finish up Season 2 of Pretty Little Liars. My sister in law got me hooked on it and now it's impossible to stop. Sooooo thankful the kiddos are taking their naps today because it's going to be nice to have a small break.

Monday, July 15, 2013


    Woke up this morning feeling better than I have in WEEKS! Apparently I had a vitamin B deficiency so after taking supplements for a few days, I really do feel great. I've spent this afternoon planning my youngest son's FIRST birthday party. I can't believe almost a year has went by, but time does seem to fly when you're having fun. :-)
     I decided on a rubber ducky theme for his party. I've been browsing Pinterest (only my most favorite website these days) and have come across so many adorable ideas. Thoughts of little duckies floating in punch bowls and pitchers decked out with yellow polka dotted ribbons keep going through my mind, haha. Can't wait to celebrate with all of our friends and family. Also, we have decided to rent a bounce house for that day, which should be fun. It's mostly for the older kids but I'm sure Lucabear will have a blast too.
     Any who, hope everyone is enjoying their day and will write again when I have a bit more time...which is rarely.