Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life with the Johnstons

     What an absolutely CRAZY week it has been. It started off Monday morning when Caleb came down with a horrible migraine...which lasted until Wednesday night. He has been having severe headaches and migraines for the last several weeks and thinks it has something to do with an issue he is having with his back. So, he is off to the doctor tomorrow to have things checked out. Please pray that it is nothing serious. 
     Noah and Haleigh seemed to have caught a cold or some type of virus. I was almost asleep last night when I heard Hales crying. When I went in to get her she had a runny nose, was coughing and sneezing like crazy. She cuddled with me in bed for a couple of hours until I finally laid her back down in her own bed after a dose of Benedryl...which I absolutely HATE giving to my kids because it makes them totally out of it. I justified it by telling myself it was in the middle of the night and sleep was really what she needed to get over the illness...whatever it was/is. Well, this morning, I heard Noah start crying and fussing in his room around 6am. I walked in and realized right away he was showing the same symptoms. He was ok other than being irritated that his nose was stopped up, until around noon and then started running a fever. Haleigh slept until 8:30am and then pretty much cried for the rest of the day until she FINALLY let me use saline and suction out her boogies, and took a nap around 3ish. Needless to say, both kids are in bed now and I'm praying for a good night's rest. 
     I have been doing really well other than normal pregnancy emotions...which are really starting to get on my nerves. I hate crying; let alone crying and having absolutely NO IDEA why I'm doing so. At our last doctor's appointment, we of course found out that we are having a little boy. I also found out that as of 20 weeks, I had gained three pounds. I'm really happy with that number but am trying my hardest to keep total weight gain around 15 pounds; only because I started out at a higher weight than I was hoping. I start my prenatal exercise class at the Green Ridge Rec Center this week and I couldn't be happier. I've really been doing my best to eat well and exercise to keep the extra weight off. Hopefully, God will answer our prayers and bless us with my body doing what its supposed to and going into labor on its own. My doctor isn't a huge supporter of VBAC after 2 c-sections, but we are putting this in God's hands. 
     Well, it's off of here now to grab a bite to eat. I wasn't able to eat any dinner because Haleigh felt so bad. So, I held her in my arms and spoon fed her...only way the poor thing would eat. :-(  

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