Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Looking Forward to Easter

     Well, it has been an amazing week so far!  I finally finished up my birth control pills so I don't have to deal with daily emotional breakdowns anymore!  :-)  And THAT makes me so very HAPPY!  It was just so hard on everyone; Caleb, Noah, me...I never knew when i was just going to break down into tears and not be able to stop crying...but worse than that even were the severe migraines I was getting on a daily basis. I am SO thankful that they are finally gone! It was just so hard taking care of a newborn when I could barely stand any light...but oh well. That's over with now! :-)  And everyone is SO much happier!  We're trusting the Lord with any future children we may have...and hoping He has in mind to let us wait a couple of years before having another one. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mommy, but it would be great if Noah was out of diapers before the Lord sends another one along, lol. Oh's completely in HIS hands...and we will trust Him with any decision he has for our family! 
     On a different note, tomorrow we're going over to color easter eggs at my Granny Jones' house. It has been a family tradition since, well...since I was born, lol. :-)  I'm even more excited about it this year because little Noah Bug gets to be there with us. Not that he is big enough to understand or enjoy it, but it's his very first Easter and we are so excited about it. I know he doesn't understand the "real Easter story" but we're reading to him out of his Baby Bible that our Pastor and his wife got for him. It's just such an amazing feeling to sit down and read the Bible to your child...a feeling I can't find the words to describe...simply that it is one of the best moments of parenthood!
     On Good Friday, I am heading over to Craig again to wak with two of my bestest friends ever...Anna and Trista. *big smile*  I can't wait to see her two little ones's just so nice to have a friend who is at the same place in their life as what I am right now! It's great to be able to call her up and ask her questions about Noah, lol...because she has been through it not once, but twice before me!  And then of course, Anna is just so easy to talk to about's great having her around. After our walk, Noah and I are going grocery shopping with Anna and then heading back to Salem to hang out until Caleb gets home...who knows, maybe her hubby will join us when he gets off work! :-) 
     Saturday I have NO idea what I'm doing yet...I think my Mom might be coming over for a shopping trip...and that's always great fun!  More clothes for baby Noah...and maybe, just maybe, I can find some jeans for myself!  Who for me is a bit depressing these days...although, I have lost 32 pounds in 2 months...and I am very proud of myself for that! I am wearing my prepregnancy jeans again...but it's going to take forever to get back into size 6...and who knows if that is ever going to happen. I might just have to settle for my size 10 jeans lol....since that seems to be where I'm stuck at right now! All things are possible with God, though!
     Sunday, Easter, of course...we are going to church with my parents...they are having a guest speaker and invited us to spend Easter with them. I love our home church, but sometimes it's just so hard with all of our family living in Craig...while we live in Salem. Weekends are pretty much the only days that our family gets to see us...and Noah Bug, lol...and so our weekends are a mad rush to try and squeeze in seeing everyone!  *sighs* Don't get me wrong, I love it...but sometimes I think it would be easier if Mom lived like 5 minutes away!  Oh biggie. Caleb and I both love Salem and moving back to Craig would put Caleb so much farther away from work...I just really miss my family sometimes. I can't wait for summer to get here, because I will get to spend everyday hanging out with my Mom (she works at a school so she gets her summers off!) and my other family. We've already planned weekly trips including going to the lake, shopping, walking, and one of our favorites...tanning!  Noah will be cozy under this beach umbrella...cuz I don't want a lobster baby, lol! 
      Well, I will probably wind this up for now! I gotta go get some cleaning done before my better half gets home! Then, we'll probably head over to WalMart for a bit...and maybe go for a walk together!  I don't really care what we do,'s just great getting to spend time with such a wonderful family. Thanking God for them!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I FINALLY Have a Baby who Sleeps Through the Night!!!

     Well, I haven't posted in a is keeping me really busy; that's for sure!  I honestly can't believe how fast life is passing by now that I have Noah. He will be 10 weeks old on Thursday and is getting bigger by the day. He isn't even 3 months old yet and is already wearing 6-9 months size clothing...WOW!  I went shopping with my Mom on Saturday just so I could find this kid some new clothes...and let me just say, stores just don't make very many varities of clothes for little boys. I went to WalMart and they have tons of Easter dresses/clothes for baby girls, but NOTHING for baby boys., I am going to head over to Burlington to see if they have anything...I'm hoping to find a pair of Khakis for little man to wear with his new fancy shirt I got him for Easter!  :-)  We shall see.

     Oh, great news!  Noah is FINALLY sleeping through the night...and I'm talking 10-12 hours every night!  He goes to sleep between 8:30 and 9:30 every night and wakes up between 4am-5am to eat. Then, it's back to sleep until around, Caleb and I are truly blessed! :-)  It has made it so much easier to get through the day when we are getting that much sleep every night *sighs* God is so good! 
     Oh, more exciting news...Caleb and I are going to Florida for an entire week sometime in August or September. My Granny Spitzer goes down to visit my Aunt Renea every year and we have been invited to go....which pretty much means a free trip! :-)  We are really excited and it will be little Noah's first time seeing the ocean. I think he will definitely be able to enjoy it by then since he will be around 9 months old!  Not to mention, I get to get an awesome tan!!! :-)   I'm just so thankful Caleb has a job where he gets vacation time so we don't have to worry about him not getting paid for taking days off!  Again, God is good!
     So, Noah will probably wake up from his nap soon (yes, he takes about a 2 hour nap every day AND sleeps that long at night...and again, WOW!) so I guess I better get off of here. Oh, btw...if anyone has any baby clothes for boys, size 6 mon.-12 mon. and don't need them anymore, I would be very grateful. I hate paying so much for clothes when he outgrows them so quickly!  Thanks!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life Gets Better by the Day

I don't have  much to write today...just that I am SO thankful to the Lord for everything He is doing in our lives.

 Sarah Kelly \ Living Hallelujah

Who am I?

That You came to earth for me

To die on a tree?

Who are you?

Son of man, Son of God

Yes, I believe it's true

More than words I bring to You

May all I say and may all I do be


Hallelujah, hallelujah

May everything about me be

Hallelujah to my King

Hallelujah, hallelujah

May everything about me be hallelujah

All of me

I surrender completely

Take control

I want all of You

So I'm letting go

I am healed and I'm forgiven

I am free because I'm living


It's all so clear, it's all so clear

I was born to worship

Hallelujah, hallelujah

May everything about me be hallelujah


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Amazing Weekend!

     So, this weekend was one of the better ones I have had in a long time. It started out Saturday morning with breakfast at Granny Spitzer's, which is always so YUMMY! Then, we headed up on the mountain to visit Caleb's parents along with some other family members...then, it was back downtown to drop Noah off with my parents. They watched him all day yesterday and last night too...we drove over and went to church with them and picked up Noah. Then, it was back home to relax for a couple of hours before heading over to meet our AMAZING new friends, Sam and Rebecca; along with their adorable 19 month old, Henry. *sighs* Life has just been so overwhelming recently, it was just SO nice to finally meet another Christian couple. Not to mention, they are at almost the exact place in their lives as Caleb and I...Christians, college graduates, parents, and both Caleb and Sam work together. I am really looking forward to getting to know them better...not to mention, we are going to be setting up playdates *smile* so we will never really have to pay for a sitter, which is great for us, because they are SO expensive!  So, Sam and Rebecca, if you are reading this, thank you SO very much for letting us be a part of your life! :-)  I am anxious to see what the Lord has in store for our friendship!  Ok, well, I am going to get off of here for now...gotta get some cuddles from hubbz until our beautiful, precious darling wakes up and wants to eat again, lol!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I Officially HATE the pill!!!

So, yesterday was my birthday...which was awesome up until about 2pm-ish. Then, it all started to go downhill...for no other reason than my hormonal breakdown. I went back on birth control pills two weeks ago, which I was hesitant to do in the first place (I had a HORRIBLE experience with YAZ, which I was on before getting pregnant with Noah-I was an emotional wreck...always crying, constantly depressed, and didn't feel anything like myself). Now, I'm back on the pill (I tried a different kind) but I am starting to feel the same way all over again...and of course, it had to get really bad on my birthday...sheesh!  I got up early yesterday morning to go grocery shopping with my we do every Thursday together :-) and was in a WONDERFUL mood. They bought my lunch and came back to the apartment to hang out with lil man. They left and things went to crap. I started to cry hysterically...without having ANY reason as to why. Then, I remembered this is how I had felt when taking YAZ. We went over to Craig later yesterday evening and I was an emotional wreck...I did my best to hide it, but of course, my Mom knew something was wrong, lol...she just knows me too well. :-)  She insisted on "Mom and Daughter" time, which I was SO thankful for. After talking to my Mom, and having myself a good cry, I felt better. She convinced me to go off the pill and talk to my Midwife about trying something different. Caleb and I are still praying about what we are going to do, as we DO NOT want to get pregnant again right, we shall see. Anyways, please pray for me as I get over this emotional bump in my life. I HATE feeling this way...I wanna feel like ME again...a happy, only emotional when it's "that time" of the month kind of girl!  Well, I'll always be emotional because I'm a woman, but that's normal...I just want the normal kind of hormonal issues....:-)  Well, I'm going to get off of here because who knows how long it will be before Noah wants Mama to hold him again, lol!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


     Ok, so tomorrow is my 23rd birthday...which I am SO totally excited about. I didn't really ask for anything this year because I have everything I could possibly dream of already, lol. Caleb has been talking constantly about my gift over the past couple of weeks...and telling me not to check our bank account and such...he has been really suspicious!  So, today, he tells me that Fed Ex will be bringing me a package and to make sure I am home to sign for it!  I opened the door and the guy hands me a box labeled DELL!!! I had no idea that I would be getting a new laptop computer...but I DID!!! Infact, the majority of my family went in together to get it for I got the one I we never would have been able to afford without everyone chipping in!
     Also, please pray for little Noah!  He has allergies and they have been really bad this week. I have to suction out the poor thing's nose at least every other day...I feel so bad for him. He always stays in a good mood, though, so we're thankful for that! Ok...gonna get off of here so I can go play with my new computer!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old; One is Silver and the Other's Gold!

     Today I went back to see my midwife for my 6 week postnatal checkup. It went GREAT!  She checked my incision and said that it had healed perfectly, which was so nice to hear. All of my stitches have almost completely dissolved but the best part of it all; I GET TO START EXERCISING AGAIN....YAAAAYYYY!!!!  I can finally get rid of this yucky belly flab *big smile*!  I am starting my diet on Monday to kick start my weight loss (I have lost 27lbs since having Noah, which is quite the accomplishment, but I won't be happy until I can fit into my prepregnancy size; 6!).
     We also discussed how long we should wait to start trying for a second baby. My midwife suggested a year, just so that my body has time to fully recover from the whole labor process. Sooo, that meant family planning options. I had already been on the pill for about a year and a half before getting pregnant, so we went with that option. :-)   We still have a lot of praying to do about it, but we're currently thinking about trying for baby number two around august or september of next year. That way, Noah will hopefully be out of diapers when the next one comes along, and they won't be more than 3 years apart. I kind of want them to be close in age just so that Noah has a brother or sister he can relate to fairly well. I loved having a brother and he was only a year and a half younger than me...and it was awesome! :-)
     It's just so weird to think that by next fall I could be pregnant all over again, lol. The first trimester of pregnancy wasn't the greatest for me, but I loved it after that, lol. My favorite part of all was getting to feel my baby boy kick for the first time...and then of course holding him in my arms was, well, I can't really describe how truly incredible it was. Not to mention, he is like the most well behaved baby EVER, so deciding ot have another one wasn't really that hard of a decision to make! I just love being a Mommy so much...if we had the money I would have a whole slew of kids. But I want to be able to be able to give each and every one an equal opportunity in life; example: I want to be able to send them to college and help them pay for it...if I have like 10 kids, that probably wouldn't be happening, LOL! *big smile*  Well, I'll stop dreaming for a moment and get back to the present.
     Since Caleb started this new job, so many wonderful things have started to fall into place. He has become pretty good friends with one of his fellow co-workers. This friend has a wife my age who has an 18 month old and has decided to be a stay at home mom, as well. I am really looking forward to meeting and getting to know her, because it will be nice to have a new friend to talk to; especially one who is at the same place in her life that I am in mine. Sometimes it's hard to accept that friends drift apart, but the Lord always seems to provide a new opportunity for friendship...for this, I am very thankful. I am keeping my eyes and heart open for moments such as these. Not to mention, I have also rekindled my friendship with a couple of my best friends from childhood; Emily and Trista. :-)  Trista has a litlte girl only a couple of months younger than Noah...I am hoping they will be be able to grow up together. Trista and I are already planning to walk this summer over in Craig...pushing our babies in their stroller, lol. I can't's going to be so much fun! And Emily and her fiance Fletcher are coming to visit us next weekend. YAY! I can't wait. Then, sometime in April, we are taking Noah up to LU to watch one of their baseball games!  WOW! It's going to be such a great year...I am so excited to see everything the Lord has in store for me and my family!
     In closing, I would like to quote a song Emily, another girl, and I once performed on the very well known craig county auditorium stage.  "Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the others gold. A circle is round, it has no end; that's how long I want to be your friend!" :-)