Friday, March 19, 2010

I Officially HATE the pill!!!

So, yesterday was my birthday...which was awesome up until about 2pm-ish. Then, it all started to go downhill...for no other reason than my hormonal breakdown. I went back on birth control pills two weeks ago, which I was hesitant to do in the first place (I had a HORRIBLE experience with YAZ, which I was on before getting pregnant with Noah-I was an emotional wreck...always crying, constantly depressed, and didn't feel anything like myself). Now, I'm back on the pill (I tried a different kind) but I am starting to feel the same way all over again...and of course, it had to get really bad on my birthday...sheesh!  I got up early yesterday morning to go grocery shopping with my we do every Thursday together :-) and was in a WONDERFUL mood. They bought my lunch and came back to the apartment to hang out with lil man. They left and things went to crap. I started to cry hysterically...without having ANY reason as to why. Then, I remembered this is how I had felt when taking YAZ. We went over to Craig later yesterday evening and I was an emotional wreck...I did my best to hide it, but of course, my Mom knew something was wrong, lol...she just knows me too well. :-)  She insisted on "Mom and Daughter" time, which I was SO thankful for. After talking to my Mom, and having myself a good cry, I felt better. She convinced me to go off the pill and talk to my Midwife about trying something different. Caleb and I are still praying about what we are going to do, as we DO NOT want to get pregnant again right, we shall see. Anyways, please pray for me as I get over this emotional bump in my life. I HATE feeling this way...I wanna feel like ME again...a happy, only emotional when it's "that time" of the month kind of girl!  Well, I'll always be emotional because I'm a woman, but that's normal...I just want the normal kind of hormonal issues....:-)  Well, I'm going to get off of here because who knows how long it will be before Noah wants Mama to hold him again, lol!

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