Saturday, March 17, 2012

2 Months Down, 7 Left

     Has it really been a month since we found out we were expecting again? Wow, time sure does pass by quickly. Today I am 8 weeks with only 31 weeks left to go. I'm sure most of you are assuming I miscounted there, but no. :-)  We have already decided that if the baby isn't here by 39 weeks, we are scheduling a c-section. And when it comes to my babies, they would camp out in there until they were 2, lol...for some reason, my little ones don't like to come on their own. With Noah, we waited until 42 weeks, and ended up with an emergency c-section, The whole experience was a little bit too scary so with Hales we just went ahead and decided to schedule was great knowing the exact day and time, too. And sure, it was rough recovering from surgery...especially with having a newborn and a toddler, but  I am tough. And Noah Bug is such a big helper these days I have no doubt he is going to help take care of his Mommy after the new baby arrives. 
      I actually had time to sit down and blog this morning because Noah and Haleigh spent the night with Grandma Johnston and Aunt Rebekah. You would think I had gotten to sleep in, but for some reason, when my babies aren't here, I don't sleep as well. So, I was up at 7 this morning, which is fine. I'm going to fix my hair and actually put on a little makeup for the day. Hubby is taking me out for a birthday breakfast before we head over to Craig to pick up the kids. HOORAY!  I so look forward to peaceful, stress free moments when I can actually have a quiet time to talk with Hubby and not have to scarf down my food like I'm trying to win a race. It's off of here for now to start my day. Hope each of you has a Happy St. Patty's. 

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