Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hormones and the House Plant

     Today was actually pretty good considering the rest of my week. I'm proud to say I woke up WITHOUT a headache. I started getting one late this afternoon but I'm definitely not going to complain. I would much rather suffer for a few hours than all day. :-)  
      Our day was, hmmmmm, interesting to say the least. After lunch today Noah came running up to me and pointed at our TV yelling "BUGS, MAMA...BUGGGGGSSSS!!!" I just laughed at him and asked if he wanted to watch a movie about bugs. He then shook his head and said, "NO, MAMA...BUGS...THERE" and again pointed to the television. Well, I walked over and crouched down, not seeing anything at first. Then my excited little boy took his finger and point down at the carpet right in front of our entertainment center...and then I saw...ANTS. Ewwwwww. Let me just say that even though I grew up in the country, I have pretty much always been a city girl at heart. Keep the creepy crawlies as far away from me as possible and I will be happy. Much to Noah Bug's dismay, I got out one of our handy dandy ant traps and set it up behind the entertainment center. Over the next couple of days they will carry the poison back to their nests and revoir. 
     The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Oh, well, there was that. We took the kids out for ice cream this evening after dinner and while we were there, Noah leaned back in his chair which tipped over. Super Mommy to the rescue...I jumped up and grabbed the back of the chair just before it slammed my wrist between the chair and the edge of the table. Let's just say I'm sporting a lovely bruise now, but I'd sign up to be black and blue all over if it meant my son escaped harm. :-)  
     Tonight the hormones kicked in. Hubby got an upclose look at our lovely little ant "friends". He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to throw my house plant out. Normally, I am NOT attached to material things at all, but this is a bit different. First, I have never been able to keep a plant alive in my life. I tried from the time I was a little girl, but my "green" thumb turned everything brown. Pretty much any flowers I planted in our yard died within weeks while my Mom's flourished. Although it was disappointing, I gave myself over to the fact that, that talent hadn't been passed down to me. Last year, almost exactly 13 months ago, my father in law passed away. It was sudden, as most of you know, and it was an extremely hard time for our family. After the memorial service, we were given one of the plants someone had bought in his memory. I was pretty much resolved that it would add a nice touch to our living room for a couple of months and then I would be using the flower pot for something else. 
     Well, I guess I attached myself to the plant because of who it was given in memory of. I remember I started checking it every couple of days and removing any dead leaves that had fallen. Noah and I have fun watering it each week...he with his little pail. He reminds me when life gets crazy...and like I said, it's something we like to do together; mommy and son bonding time, if you will. Anyways, the months passed and here it is almost 13 months later and it's flourishing. It's grown so much that my Mom is coming over to teach me how to repot it in a bigger flower pot (I know how lame this sounds, but I seriouly STINK at anything horticulture related, lol). 
     Tonight Caleb got the idea that the ants were living in our flower pot. Which, they totally weren't. There were a few on the leaves but the majority of them were nibbling away at the spot where Haleigh had hidden (and spilled a little) her juice cup. When he said he was going to throw it away, I had a breakdown. I started crying and I actually got a little mad. Thinking back on it now is super embarrassing, and in the moment, I wasn't sure where the emotions were coming from. But now, I realize that the plant, for me, is a part of one of the last memories I have concerning my father in law; celebrating his life at the memorial service. I feel there is a reason this is the ONLY plant I've EVER been able to keep alive. It's almost God's way of telling me that he is waiting in Heaven for us to get there. That even when life ends here on Earth, it's really only just the beginning. As a friend of mine says...the rainbow after the rain. :-)  It was hard saying goodbye, but now I get to look forward to saying hello. 
     So, yeah, many of you will probably think I'm weird or just won't get this at all. But I have a feeling some of you will understand what I'm trying to say; why I feel the way I do. And I'm sure it doesn't help that these first trimester hormones are kicking my butt. :-)  I will hopefully get around to writing a post about what has been going on over the last couple of weeks. I keep prolonging it because I'm not sure if I feel like talking about it. But, one  day...maybe. Anyways, thanks for listening to my ramblings tonight. I hope each of you has a blessed day.

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