Thursday, December 29, 2011

Caring for Colds

     What a week it's been. Both the kids started feeling bad on Monday night...coughing, runny noses, clinging to Mommy etc. I at first thought it was allergies, but now am pretty convinced it's a cold. Noah is starting to feel better after many doses of Mom's warm honey mixture and Tylenol, but poor Miss Haleigh is still all snotty. Let's just say I'm rocking the clothes with the caked on boogers...:-). And, my babies LOVE to share everything, which normally I would say is a wonderful thing, but not when it comes to spreading their lovely little germs around. Yesterday morning Caleb woke up with, guess what? Sniffles, coughing, and all the symptoms the kids had which alerted me that this was a head cold. LOVELY! Praising the Lord throughout the day that He kept me from the illness, I set about to taking care of my puny little family; complete with lots of cuddling and sugars. Probably a bad idea on my part as I woke up this morning with, yep, you guessed it!  Through the sneezing, coughing and excessive amount of nose blowing, I have still managed to take care of the babies. Which has been quite a miracle considering how bad I feel and how bad Bop still feels today. I am praising God with my whole heart though because He kept me well through the worst part of this week. Off of here now to relax for a bit before getting the kids up from their rest time. Since Bug no longer takes a nap during the day, I've made it a rule that he has to sit in his room and rest for a while each day. During that time he can do quiet/relaxing activities such a reading a book, playing with his cars, coloring...etc. It works out well because I can rest during that time or get a few things done around the house. :-)

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