Thursday, December 22, 2011


     Currently in the middle of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist. I am LOVING this book. I don't really want to comment on it too much until I have finished it, just because I like to read something in it's entirety until I feel comfortable discussing it. I will say this;  Geisler and Turek's discussion of morals truly fascinates me. They basically make the argument that if you claim to be an atheist then there is really no reason for morals, but even so, most atheists claim they have them. In other words, if we truly lived in a universe that wasn't created by a God, no one would have morals...because there would be no reason for them. With death, life ceases to exist. There is no higher standard to live for. But because there is an infinite God (our dear Savior in Heaven) there are morals. Every person across the globe knows it's wrong to hurt or torture babies. Yes, some people DO commit horrendous acts of violence, but they KNOW it's wrong.  Take this interview with Jeffrey Dahmer for instance...

     The part that I am mainly talking about starts around 2:45 seconds.  In regards to evolution "...the whole theory cheapens life". So very true. I'm not claiming to know that Dahmer has truly accepted Jesus, as the only ones who know that are him and God. I do believe his statement that the theory of evolution cheapens life because if this is all there is...what is there to really live for? As we approach Christmas, I personally will be focusing on my love of God and my thankfulness for showing me the Truth...that He sent his Son to die for my sins and because I have accepted Jesus into my heart, I will live ETERNALLY in Heaven with Him. Merry Christmas!

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