Sunday, February 20, 2011

Noah Whately 13 Months Old

He thought it was hysterical when his Daddy stood him in the washing machine!

Our busy little Noah Bug!!!
     Can you believe my baby boy is turning 13 months old tomorrow?  Sheesh...I am in shock, lol. And not only is he walking, he is RUNNING. I literally have a toddler on my hands....which is great for his development (Dr. Beazely says he has reached all the milestones for an 18 month old and half of the ones for a 24 month old). I just wish I had more energy to chase him around, lol....but, in a couple of months after I heal from having Haleigh, I will have more energy than I know what to do with, hopefully. I know that shedding these extra 15 pounds will be a huge blessing...and hopefully breastfeeding Haleigh will help drop a few pounds too. Here is another picture of our not so little boy! :-)

Almost 13 Months

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