Monday, February 14, 2011

Remembering Chuck

     You have always been an inspiration to me...your amazing love for Christ, and the joy it gave you to pass that knowledge down to your children, let me know you were an amazing person from the moment I met you. We didn't always get along, and had our fair share of disagreements, but what family doesn't? As we celebrate your life this week and the memories you've left behind for us to cherish, I know that you will be looking down from Heaven smiling; not wanting us to be sad or lonely. But, as humans, we unfortunately are forced to face human emotions...we are sad and miss you with a heart wrenching pain already. 
     You have left behind a legacy in your children and I am so blessed the Lord chose one of them to become my husband. Caleb is by far more than I could have ever imagined a husband would be...he takes care of me with a love that can only be described as Godly. His love for our children, Noah and little baby girl Haleigh, overwhelms me at times. He was always scared about becoming a Daddy, but he thrives at it.  He would not be that husband or father today if you had not shown him how. 
     God's love surrounds us each day and we can see it, feel it, experience it, in every moment; many times without trying to. God is good and even in the midst of this pain I feel in being separated from you, I also have joy in knowing that we will spend an eternity in Heaven together. God has promised us that and what a glorious promise that is! Thank you for your love, your laughter, your many, many lectures, but most importantly, for being so willing to share the Love of Christ to everyone you met. You will be greatly missed but forever remembered as a loving husband, dad, friend, and disciple of Christ. 

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