Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     Well, today was a little better than yesterday and for that, I'm thankful. Mom came over and watched the kids so I could go to the Y and get a workout in...which had both positive and negative results. The positive was that it definitely improved my mood...knowing that I am FINALLY to the point where I can get back into shape and lose this flabby belly fat...yuck. :-)  It also caused aunt Flo to visit a bit earlier than expected...I thought I had at least another couple of weeks to go before that happened, but alas, no. :-(  So, I've done my best to keep a positive outlook today even though the hormones and cramps caused me to throw up...gross. I'm thankful I have a strong stomach, because being nauseas from that, while having to stick a suppository up my little girl's behind, almost made me vomit. BLEH!  (We found out yesterday Haleigh can't quite "go" on her own...she hasn't learned that yet so we have to basically wait while she teaches herself to go number 2...and help her along with belly exercises). So's been a rough couple of days. And the reason i was so upset yesterday was because we learned Caleb's grandma has stage 4 just seems like life won't slow down...even for a second. Please pray for the family...keep us all in your thoughts and prayers because life has been rough the past couple of months. And even though I KNOW God WILL NEVER give me more than I can handle, these human thoughts and emotions are bringing me down. I miss Chuck so bad some days and now that Grandma is sick...well, there are no words; just heartache and pain. And all I can think about is if it hurts me this bad, how are my husband and mother in law facing each day?  *sighs*  Anyways, I'm physically and emotionally drained...and need to help put the kids down to bed. I'm so thankful my hubby is so strong, because his positive attitude and outlook is what keeps me going...and my babies' smiles of course, lol. Night everyone.

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