Thursday, November 10, 2011

Don't Get Stuck in Grace

    Today, I was doing my Bible Study for the Stay at Home Mom, and the Lord laid this message upon my heart today; which is one I really needed to hear. 

"Grace is a tool used to help us move on. Grace is forgiveness and is given to the person who doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Grace is the gift that is given even when we don’t deserve it. Grace is NOT an excuse for us to deny the truth in the Bible, nor is it to be used as an excuse not to follow God in full obedience to His word.Grace is designed to give us the power and the confidence to move forward with a life of obedience. But sometimes we can stay stuck in grace, feeling like it is enough, when in fact grace and obedience really go hand in hand.Grace is something we can live in daily. Grace isn’t stationary, it goes with us as we walk in truth, living a life of obedience to God and His word."
I am always finding myself making mistakes and then saying, "oh well...I know God will forgive me!"  This is the WRONG attitude for me to have. Instead, I should feel convicted and heartbroken that I've broken the promise I made to God in that I would take up the cross and follow Him. Sometimes, when life gets too easy, I am reminded that I am not fully giving myself over to the Lord. This life should NOT always be easy and I should never be comfortable enough that I'm not fully relying on God each and every single day. 
I've found that when I witness, strengthen my walk with the Lord, and truly live in HIS word, that's when I am bombarded with life's difficulties. I am not angry with God for these things, but am continually thankful for them, as they make my walk with the Lord stronger. I want to live my life praising my Savior for the gift of salvation...a gift I don't deserve. And I can't wait until the day I see Heaven and all my friends and family who have joined the Lord before me...everyday singing praises to my Yahweh (the one and only God) on the streets of gold and mansions by the sea. Praise be to God!!!


  1. Such a good post. The power of the gospel of grace should propel us forward in holiness. It should never give us an excuse to not act. It is true that we often seem to experience more difficulties the closer to God that we are. But the refiner's fire isn't painless. We can look forward to the beauty that awaits us when He is finished transforming us. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you. :-) I have truly enjoyed reading your blog. I stumbled upon it yesterday after reading I sometimes feel the everyday pressures of being a stay at home mom but the more I cling to the Word, the more blessed I feel. I am no stranger to the "blog world" but have been praying daily that God would lead me to blogs whose writers spend their lives witnessing and spreading our Savior's message. God bless you!
