Friday, July 22, 2011

Finally Got Some Answers

     I thought it was odd that my strep throat (and blisters) weren't going away after 5 days on antibiotics, so I called the doctor's office. Turns out, I have oral thrush, which was caused by the antibiotics. So now, I kind of have to deal with it until I'm done with the dose which I think is this upcoming Wednesday. I am supposed to eat yogurt, because that's supposed to kill a lot of the bacteria or something; I'm not sure I quite understood everything, but yeah, so that stinks. Oh well. Going to enjoy my weekend regardless of my body's weird malfunctions! Have a nice night everyone!!!


  1. Just in case they didn't explain...Thrush is a FUNGAL get it when your normal (good) bacteria are killed off by antibiotic treatment....then your normal fungi have free reign and migrate to wet areas they shouldnt be in. Yogurt has the Good bacteria so you sort of just replace the killed off ones by eating it. I'm soooooooo sorry to hear you have this....that is SO PAINFUL as you know. My heart breaks for you and I will be praying as you heal! Love you....

  2. PS if the yogurt doesnt help enough for your preference you can buy powdered PREBIOTICs at most stores and eat them too. I have some family that swears by them. Love you

  3. Thanks for explaining girl. :-) I really appreciate it. I miss you like crazy. Love you.
