Saturday, July 16, 2011

Now Baby Haleigh

     Well, now little miss is running a fever of 102. Our kids' pediatrician won't be back until Monday so we had to deal with the most awesome doctor ever (eye roll and note the sarcasm). She said to bring her in tomorrow morning to do a strep test and get her started on an antibiotic if it comes back positive. I'm fairly certain that's what she has since she and her brother tend to share everything. Let's just hope that applies to toys as they grow up and not just illness, lol. Anyways, please continue to pray for out little ones and that the Lord will heal them and take their sore throats away soon. I'm at the end of my rope; exhausted from many sleepless nights with Noah Bug (and now with baby Haleigh) and I'm starting to feel sick myself. I just keep asking that the Lord keeps illness away from least until the kids are better. Hope each of you is having a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Im SHOCKED that they are making you bring Hales in for testing! It should just be common sense that she has strep! Its so freakin contageous AS YOU KNOW! You shouldnt have to spend all that money in copays and tests. thats WACK!
