Friday, July 15, 2011


     As most of you already know, Noah Bug has strep throat and so the doctor we had to see (because ours was out on vacation) decided to start him on an antibiotic. That was fine. I just wanted  him to start feeling better quickly. Well, we've tried for three days to get him to take it; we've mixed it into different types of drinks and food. We've tried putting a little into his mouth over the course of 20-30 minutes and even pretending to drink it ourselves. NOTHING WORKS! The second he tastes it in anything, he gags and screams, refusing to take it. And if we squirt it directly into his mouth, he vomits. That sort of defeats the purpose of keeping plenty of fluids in him. So yesterday, I called and talked with Dr. Beazely's nurse (LOVE HER) and she recommended that we bring him back in today to get a shot. I was super stoked because two shots and then he would be good to go. :-) 
      Anyways, she scheduled us for a 9:00 appointment this morning and I got the kids up and ready. We made it to the doctor's office (me, by myself, without anyone there to help me) and waited and waited and waited some more. FINALLY we got called back and this new doctor's nurse came in. She told me to get Noah undressed and take him back to the scales. He screamed when I laid him down on it because the table was cold and he is still feeling back. I reached over to rub his foot to comfort him and do you know what that nurse had the NERVE TO DO???? She smacked my hand away and said "Don't touch him!!! I'm weighing him!" I kept my mouth shut because I had my kids with me and I didn't them to see their mother go off on someone. 
     That put in a bad mood so when the doctor came in I wasn't really in the best spirits. I tried to remain positive and explained that Dr. Beazely's nurse had suggested we come in so Noah could have the antibiotic in shot form. She asked a few questions and I told her he acted like he was feeling a bit better but we couldn't get him to take (or keep down) his medicine. She looked at me like I was the dumbest person she had ever met and said "he will fight you no matter what you do because he is a toddler and that's what toddlers do". I understood that because that is what they do. But then I explained that he has never had a problem taking Motrin or Tylenol, until we tried making him take this antibiotic. I then explained that he was terrified to even take that because he thought it was the other "bad medicine". She then said what still makes me cringe and shake with anger...."Well, then, I guess you're just going to have to wrap him up in a blanket and force it down his throat!!" WHAT?!?!? 
       I see this as child abuse. I know that some people would say that you have to do what you have to do to get them to take it. And sure, if this was the only option, I guess I wouldn't have a choice. But I DO have another option. He can be given two shots and then he will feel better and I won't feel like an abusive parent. I do not believe in using force with my little ones. I never have and I never will. These are gifts from the Lord and I will treat them as such. Wrapping them up in a blanket, while forcefully holding them down, and then forcing them them to take medicine which makes Noah vomit. NO WAY! Not going to do it. So yeah...that's my little rant of the day. I actually think I'm going to call the pharmacy and see if they have either of these two in the form of a suppository. A friend suggested that and it sounds like a good idea to me.
    Anyways, thanks for listening to my issues. It felt really good to vent about it and get that out. I know that some people will disagree with my thoughts on the issue of distributing meds with force but that's ok. He's not their kid, lol. I'm off of here to lay down for a bit. I have no doubt my blood pressure is through the roof! 

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