Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blessing after Blessing

    Currently sitting here listening to hubby give the kids their bath. :-)  I gave the kids paintbrushes and shaving cream to paint the walls with. They are having a blast. Haleigh is finally to the point where she doesn't try to eat everything she sees. I wish you could have seen her sweet face and squeals of delight in discovering she could paint the walls. It was a completely new experience for her and it made her day. Noah, also a master of painting, added to her already beautiful masterpiece. I didn't take pictures because I was too busy enjoying the moment. 
     Life has been going quite well these days. I've consistently been trying to improve my attitude towards life; working on being a better disciple, which in turn has strengthened my relationships with others. I, overall, am a much happier person which makes life easier for those around me. I had a really rough few months after having Hales, suffering from postpartum depression, which made life a nightmare. I went on medication (which worked wonders) and prayed that the Lord heal me from it. I am thankful to say that He did....another HUGE blessing. 
     Anyways, it's off of here now to play with the babies for a while before they head off to bed. Get to wake up tomorrow to another pretty day so that makes my outlook even brighter. Any day spent outside relaxing in God's beautiful universe is a day worth many smiles. Hope each of you has a blessed upcoming weekend. 


  1. We have so many blessings, don't we? Just focusing on them can do wonders to our attitude and transform the heart. So happy for you that you are feeling so well. God is good! Blessings to you!

  2. We sure do. I was thinking the other day about how the blogging world has been a blessing to me. Yours especially. Through each post you write (and I have the joy to read) I can see the Lord working through you. Thank you for taking the time to share your walk...because it has helped to strengthen mine. God bless you and your family.
