Monday, January 23, 2012

Multitudes Mondays

     Blessings this week have included:
January 16th: Three ways you wittnessed happiness today: Giggling babies, a kiss from my husband, beginning to study the book of Joshua 
January 17th: One gift that made you laugh, one gift that made you pray, one gift that made you quiet: listening to my Mom talk about how Haleigh is me made over, my husband helping me to realize my mistakes, ''
January 18th: 3 gifts from God's word: realizing that God doesn't expect me to be perfect, it makes God happy when I admit my wrongdoings and pray for forgiveness, patience
January 19th: a grace in the kitchen, a grace in the weather, a grace that may have never been: plenty of food, sunshine after the rain, forgiving others for hurting me
January 20th: 3 gifts you saw only when you got up close: a newborn's tiny fingernails, my husband's stress, a baby shark
January 21st: one thing in the sky, one one thing from your memory, one thing that's ugly-beautiful: rain, birth of my son, my sins and God's forgiveness of them
January 22nd: one grace wrinkled, one grace smoothed, one grace unfolded: my husband's dress shirts, my daughter's hair, hands after prayer
January 23rd: 3 gifts found in Christ: Love, Forgiveness, Patience 

1 comment:

  1. My heart sings "Yes!" to January 18th! What a great list!
