Friday, April 23, 2010

In Order to Live My Life to the Fullest, I Must Give My Worries Up to God

     Well, I'm starting to freak out again...and I know I shouldn't worry but sometimes it's just SO hard. I'm a week late getting my cycle, but this is the first time I've had a cycle on my own in like 3 years (without the pill or being pregnant). I'm hoping I'm just a ltitle bit off schedule and it will show up soon. Everyone keeps telling me I'm pregnant and I need to take a test, but I honestly don't think so. I've read that sometimes after being pregnant or coming off the pill it can take a while for cycles to least, I'm hoping that is the case. *sighs* If I'm preggo again, sheesh, I just don't know. It will be in the Lord's perfect plan, but I'm having trouble accepting that as part of my plans. I just keep chanting "keep having faith, trust God...keep having faith, trust God!", I guess if she doesn't show up by the end of the month, I will be peeing on a stick again! WOW..I'm SO not ready to go through being pregnant again. "trust God, trust God, trust God!!!"  Anyways, that's my little blip of the day.
     Nothing else exciting has really been going on in my everyday life...lots of spit up and drool because Noah has started teething already..and I thought we would have at least another month to wait for that to happen lol. It's kind of cute...he sucks on his little hands constantly and is started to chew one everything, his favorite being my shirt and hair...ewww. :-)   He is such a joy to have around though...the perfect little baby boy. I pray that everyone has a wonderful week.

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