Tuesday, April 27, 2010


     Yeah, Noah is teething already. They haven't started to come through the gums yet or anything but you can see that the teeth are just under the gums. *sighs*  Let me just say, this is my LEAST favorite milestone so far. I feel like the Lord has handed us a completely different child, lol. My sweet little angel baby is no more, lol...I feel so bad for our baby Noah. The Dr. told me not to start him on baby orajel yet, which is awful because I don't really know what else to do. I've been giving him Tylenol and letting him chew on pretty much whatever he wants, but it doesn't really seem to be helping. I'm totally clueless in this department and I had a little mini Mommy breakdown earlier today. He cries and I cry right along with him...poor thing. It's terrible being a parent and seeing your child in pain and feeling like there is nothing you can do to help him. The only thing that really seems to help more than anything is giving him a bath...and I have NO clue why that is working, unless it's just because it calms him down. But anyways, if anyone has any ideas on how to conquer this and soothe baby's gums, let me know! :-)  I'm always up for new ideas.
     Well, I guess I better get off of here now. Noah is starting to wake up from his nap and I can tell I am going to have a long day ahead of me!


  1. Baby orajel is a huge no no. If you get to much it can numb the babys throat and tongue and he can choke and die... cold chewey toys help.

  2. Thanks so much Aleisha! :-) I will try that!
