Friday, May 20, 2011

Working on my Walk

   Sacred Marriage has been such a blessing in my life. This book is an incredible read and it is teaching me how to be more humble and respective in my marriage and my everyday life. :-)  One of his main points is something I've been struggling with recently:

     "Don't give into temptation to resent your partner as your own weaknesses are revealed". 
I sometimes ask Caleb to tell me if/what I'm doing is hurting his feelings or making him feel not as respected or admired as what I should be making him. He is always honest with me and I truly respect that. But somehow, hearing my sins stated out loud feel much harsher to me than when I simply address them in my mind. Then, I get embarrassed which leads to anger and resentment...when instead, it should make me pray for forgiveness and understanding. Forgiveness for sinning against God by disrespecting the other half of me (my incredible husband) and understanding of how I can work on my behavior to not only better myself, but to better my husband. 

As I delve deeper into this book, I am beginning to understand what the author means by our marriages being meant to make us holy, not happy. It's almost impossible to experience true happiness outside of Eden. The only place that we will be truly happy is outside of sin...which will not happen until our souls go to be with the Lord. Then, we will have the experience of enjoying true love and happiness for all eternity...and when I think with this mindset, it makes loving my husband so much easier.

I've also learned that when I practice total devotion and admiration for my spouse, it makes it easier to love my God...and vice versa. The marriage relationship and the spiritual relationship with our Savior aren't two separate entities, but go hand in hand. :-)  The way that God loves us is the way that we should love our spouses...with total commitment, adorning, and humility.  If we can strive to be like our Savior in every way, it makes daily life here on Earth so much more enjoyable. Not "true happiness" but definitely as close as we can get before going Home to be with our Savior. 

God bless you all and I hope each of you has a wonderful weekend. If you get a chance, you should definitely take some time to read this book. 

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