Wednesday, December 29, 2010

26 1/2 Weeks

     And so thankful to be in trimester 3!!! :-)  I can't believe on Monday I am going to be 27 weeks preggers. I actually found out that 27 weeks is the first week a baby has a significant chance of surviving on their own outside of the womb. It would be a long journey filled with monitors and very likely complications, but, it's nice to know she would have a fighting chance. So, hubby and I are going out one night to celebrate this huge milestone (an idea stolen from one of my friend). I finally got around to taking a picture of my growing tummy for this week...and I can't believe how big I'm getting. (And unfortunately, not just in the belly, lol)  Why is it that pregnant women don't just grow tummies...we also grow boobs and butts?  *grin* At least I have the luxury of knowing that after giving birth I will get the majority of my figure back...maybe just a bit curvier. *smile*  Ok, well, I'm off to put little one to bed and get some rest for myself, too. It's been a long day and not the greatest, but I'm thankful for it all the same. God is good!


  1. Raquel! You look absolutely stunning! You may feel that you are growing more than in the belly but I think the opposite! You look like you have worked yourself into wonderful shape! And best of all your beauty seems to only grow each day! I truly hope that you feel as beautiful as you look!
