Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friday is the Big Day

    I had miscalculated the day I was supposed to take my pregnancy test...I had forgotten I'm no longer on a 28 day cycle...so that threw a quirk in my calculations. But, I re-plugged in the numbers and Friday is the big day...so I will know then if Noah is going to be a big brother or not. I don't really "feel" pregnant, but I guess we shall see...who knows. And if not, there is always next month! *grin*  I just can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for our family.
    I'm so very excited about tomorrow...Noah turns the big 6 MONTHS and we're heading to Craig to hang out with some other kids around his age. :-)  It should be very interesting. Anyways, I'm just having such a wonderful day and I want to spread the joy around to all of you!  I better get off of here now, because Caleb just finished giving Noah Bug his bath and it's time to put him to beddy bye! :0)  Night night blogger friends!


  1. I gotta say,I always love reading your blog..It's always entertaining and makes me laugh..and good luck!! :) I hope you're preggers.

  2. Thank you so much! I appreciate the sweet comment! Have a blessed day!
