Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Sleep Deprived Kind of Day

....but I'm doing it with a smile!  Noah decided to wake Mommy and Daddy up at 3am, 5am, 6am and of course, Daddy leaves for work at, I just decided to go ahead and get up at 7 when Noah started babbling again in his crib. *sighs*  You would think he would be tired this morning, but nooooooooo....he is full of energy *smile* !!!!  We are currently watching Saturday morning cartoons, which he looks forward to each week...and Mommy does, too! :-)  
     On the schedule for today is waiting for Dad to get home from work...sadly yes, he is going to be working most Saturdays for the next few months; the up side to this is that it is all overtime pay....around 10 hrs/week so that will be a nice addition to the paycheck! :-)  But, it's all right, because he will be home around noon! When he does get home we are taking our paperwork by the YMCA. They have a new program called, "Everyone Deserves a Y" membership. It's a form that you fill out with a list of all of your income and even takes into account your car payment, rent/house payment, groceries, school loans etc. Then, it asks what you think you can afford to pay each month (I think the lowest they will go is $25/month) and estimate it based on that...along with tax info., recent pay stubs, school loan papers and anything else that applies. We were so excited to hear about this new program because with a baby, there is just no way we can afford $100/month for the family program...which is close to what it would cost us. Not to mention, a HUGE benefit is the childwatch program...they will watch  your child/ren for you for us to two hours/day while you work out. So, Caleb and I are planning on taking a couple of classes together each week and taking Noah swimming at the pool each week. I'm just so excited about this program and if any of you are interested in joining the Y, but were worried about the cost, this is something y ou should try. Anyways, that's my little speech of the day!
     I don't know what kind of plans we have for later this afternoon but as it is turning out to be a beautiful Saturday, I'm sure we will do something fun and exciting! *grin*  Ok, well, I'm off to play with my overly energetic little boy! 

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