Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another One of My Silly Dreams

    One of my good friends, Emily, is getting married next year, and I must be more excited about it than I thought *grin* I had a dream about it last night and I actually woke up laughing from it...which hasn't happenened in a LONG time. Anyways, Emily decided it would be an awesome idea a couple of weeks before her wedding that she would take photos wearing her dress...IN A FIELD FULL OF FLOWERS. Now, in my dream, her dress is as white as white gets, see, and we're in a field and she is covering it with grass stains and for some reason she has brightly colored stains from the flowers petals splotching along the bottom of it, too...and she is ok with this. If you knew her in real life, you would understand why I woke up giggling this morning, because, she is even stressing over the folds in her wedding programs *grin*  (Emi, I love you girl!)  Anyways, we ran into this weird builiding which was a combination of a school and a hotel and her Mom was there...and all she kept repeating was "she's skipping class to do this and she NEEDS to be in THAT class!" and all I kept thinking was "does she SEE THE DRESS???" Which by this point was green, pink, blue and every other color of the rainbow covering the bottom two or so inches of the dress...*sighs*  So, Emily is like "LET'S TAKE PICTURES!!!!"  I think there were a couple of her cousins there, a couple of her friends from Liberty, and Anna and I which are friends from school...we all run out into the field, and I jump up onto this picnic table with my heels on and pull a nail out of a tree..I have NO CLUE WHY...this is a dream afterall, so I guess it's suppossed to be weird. Anyways, Emily's little brother starts yelling at me that I've messing everything up, and I just laugh, jump back off the table and run over to Emily who has started taking photos with all of these people in the dream...but it's with one of those old timey cameras that you have to cover with a cloth to take the picture...and we had to keep waitng for the sun to come back out from behind the clouds because she refused to take the picture without "GOOD LIGHTING!"  I woke up as we were running to our next photo location, the feel of those perfect fitting RED HIGH HEELS digging into the dirt...laughing like crazy, which spilled over into the real world. Anyways, just thought I  would share because my dreams are either scary most of the time now or super serious and this is the first FUNNY one I've had in a while...:-)  Have a great day everyone!

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