Thursday, July 15, 2010

A New Routine

   Well, I decided to try something new to make my life as a stay at home mom a bit easier. :-)  I'm always trying to improve on that aspect of my life...*smile*  Currently, we live in a one bedroom apartment so making the transition from married couple to married couple with baby was a bit of a challenge when it came to the space issue. We kept our bedroom the way it was, got rid of our dining room table and converted the dining room (which was rather large for an apartment) into our living room...and what was the living room is now Noah's room. Confusing, I know, if you haven't seen our place but we made the most out of what we have! :-)  It has worked pretty well up until the past month or so, but recently Noah has become a much lighter sleeper during the day, so I pretty much can't get any housework or cooking done while he is napping...and his awake times are devoted to play, play, play! *grin*  So, I've been wracking my brain as to how to fix this problem and it finally clicked yesterday...put the pack -n- play in our bedroom and let him take his naps in that way I can just close the door and not disturb him while he is catching his ZZZs...thus making it a cinch for me to cook, clean, make phone calls etc. I am testing it out today and so far it is going wonderfully...although it's always hard to tell on the first try how well it will ACTUALLY work. But, yes...this is one happy mommy and quite pleased with my new idea!  I know I could complain and wish for a bigger house, but this is the home the Lord has blessed me with, the family the Lord has blessed me with, and I am so thankful for it all! :-)  I will make the most of it...because I know it won't be like this for long. We will move to a nicer place, but with that comes my baby growing up...I can't keep him little forever and that makes me a little sad sometimes...the happiness overwhelms it most days though, because I just can't wait to see who he will become! :-)  

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