Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update on Noah

     I'm going to pull out my hair...all of it. The next time you see me, I'm going to be bald! :-)  Yes, I'm obviously going a bit overboard in saying that but today has been a nightmare. Noah is still feeling bad and I'm going off of very little sleep and doing my best to muster up all the patience my over exhausted and worried body can handle. Noah hasn't stopped crying since he woke up, really...which I don't think is ALL due to him being sick. A lot of it has to do with my parents keeping him over the weekend; they constantly hold him which is fine, but it makes it very difficult for Mommy to get him back on a routine when he gets home. He wants to be held constantly now which means I can't fix myself anything to eat without him screaming when I lay him down. *sighs*  I know that today will probably be the worst of it, because we've dealt with this aspect of things before...just not the ear infection part. On that note, he does actually seem to be feeling a little more like himself. When I am holding him he wants to play and laugh...which he didn't really feel like doing much of that Sunday or most of the day yesterday. Just keep praying for him that he will continue to get better...and for me...that God will continue to supply me with all the patience I need to listen to this crying all day. :-)  It wouldn't bother me other than the fact that our baby NEVER cries over anything....but, I guess that comes with feeling bad and getting off of a routine...and for that to happen all at the same time, I just feel so bad for him. Well, I better get off of here because his 10 minute nap is apparently over, lol!  Have a great day everyone!  And thanks for all of your prayers!  

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