Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sesame Street Saved My Life

     I know, I know. I shouldn't use the TV as a babysitter. But Noah absolutely LOVES Sesame Street so it's an hour out of my day when I can get breakfast cleaned up and get started on the laundry. As a parent, we learn to utilize every tool available, and I have to admit, a bit of bribery with that big yellow bird has come in handy more times than I can count. Meltdowns are erased when I threaten to take away Elmo if a certain little boy doesn't behave and that makes for a much smoother day. Upon saying that, we watch very little television in our house. Normally, the kids and I are out for at least two walks a day, hanging out at the library or making frequent trips to my favorite place...STARBUCKS! 
      Recently, though, I have felt quite alone most of the time. It's hard for me when I go for walks and see girls hanging out with their friends and I sometimes feel like I am pretty alone. It's hard enough being a stay at home mom, but then feeling like you're going through it without a friend to vent your frustrations to is just really difficult. I know that things will get better and I always do my best to have a positive outlook. Yesterday was really hard, though, because I got another rejection letter in the mail for a job I had applied for. It feels like no one cares that I have a Bachelor's degree, because I've spent the last two years "out of work". Well, for anyone who is a stay at home parent, you will agree that just because we are "out of work" doesn't mean we aren't working. Sheesh. So yeah, that's my little rant of the day. 
      Well, it's off of here to start this day. Praying that God keeps the toddler tantrums to a minimum today and that we are able to get out of the house for a while without it raining too much. 

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