Friday, July 9, 2010

Teething is NOT Accompanied by Fever???!?!?

     Ok, so, my child has been running a low grade fever for the past week AND has had a stuffy nose and would you like to know what the doctor told me...those are NOT symptoms of teething. Well, if that's the case, how come every mother I've talked to says they are?  Grrrr...I'm just so frustrated today and am starting to get a little stressed out. Noah is in so much pain and I can't do anything to help him...I know for a fact that it's teething...I'm here with him everyday and I'm pretty sure his constant need to knaw on everything he touches, constant drooling, swollen gums that he screams when I touch all point to teething. I've tried Tylenol, cold teething rings, baby Orajel, massaging his gums, and NOTHING IS WORKING...the good news to all of this is that a pearly white is about to break through and give him some relief for a while. Until then, I feel for the little fellow...I'm seriously considering taking him out for some ice cream (which he loves...vanilla with pineapple is his favorite) when this is all through...he has been working on this for a couple of months now. Anyways, please pray for him this week if you think about it...that the Lord will ease his pain. :-) Thanks everyone!  


  1. If the fever is under 100, that should be fine, but over 100 is not. That could point to an infection or virus or something else. Frozen washcloths sometimes help, and they're softer than teething rings. Sometimes I give Maddie a freeze-pop to chew on, but she has front teeth, so if she bites through it, she's just getting fruit-flavored sugar water and not whatever they put in the teething rings. I agree it sucks, and the ones I've watched go through it haven't even been mine. Hope he feels better soon! :(

  2. Well, it was exactly 100, so, I guess that's normal. And it goes back to 98.6 with Tylenol, so I'm not too worried in that department..more so just that I can't help him and that makes me feel awful. So much for Mommy of the year award, huh? :-( Thanks for the advice, though...I really appreciate it!

  3. If any Mommy had this all figured out, she'd be set for life, and we'd all follow her advice and not try to piece together what we've learned from every women we've ever talked to...
