Thursday, July 8, 2010

Williamsburg Bound

     I can't believe we only have one day left to make it through and then we're off on our Anniversary Getaway! *GRIN*  I am still so in love with my best friend...can't believe we have been together for eight years now...and MARRIED FOR TWO...AND HAVE A LITTLE BOY!  Goodness, thinking back to our wedding day, I had no clue how much we would actually accomplish in these past two years...marriage, walking across the stage of RC and getting our hard earned diplomas, finding out we were preggers five days after graduation, Caleb starting his career, giving birth to our little boy in January, and beginning our journey of working on baby number two...WOW...thinking about it that way we sure have accomplished quite a bit in a short amount of time, or a better way of looking at it, the LORD has BLESSED US with QUITE A BIT during these couple of years...and we are so very thankful. Yes, we have had our ups and downs along the way...but we do our best to keep a positive outlook on life and Christ at the center of our marriage. I pray the Lord blesses us with many more anniversaries and threads of beautiful memories woven into our quilt of life. :-)

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