Monday, July 12, 2010

Williamsburg Getaway

     We had an awesome time while we were in Williamsburg for our anniversary. We weren't supposed to come back until today but decided to head back a day early because Noah was still a little fussy and running a low grade fever so we are going to take him to the doctor today...I'm convinced it's teething but I don't want to be one of those Moms who write stuff off as one thing and then it ends up being another. Plus we will both feel better after hearing what his pediatrician has to say. :-)  I will update as soon as we get back from the doctor's office this afternoon. 
     But, yes, our trip to Williamsburg was AWESOME...just the time we needed. And what's really cool is that because we chose to come back a day early we still have a parking pass for Busch Gardens and our Fun Cards are good through September 6th! *smile* Caleb even mentioned taking an entire weekend and having an "amusement park" weekend....going first to King's Dominion because they have a brand new roller coaster with a 300 ft. drop....which looks horrifying to me, but thrilling to Caleb of course, lol. :-)  And speaking of coasters, I chickened out...I was all set to do it but then I got to thinking that there is a possibility I could be preggers and if I am...I didn't really want to risk it. To be perfectly honest, even if that wasn't a possibility, I STILL wouldn't have rode them...they scare me. 
     But anyways, we got back late last night and picked Noah up from my parent's house. He saw us and started was the sweetest thing in the world. :-)  I just couldn't believe he actually laughed because we were there. It brought tears to my eyes. 
     I wanted to write about some of things we did on our trip, but I took a lot of pictures so they are pretty much self explanatory...*smile*  We got to Williamsburg around noon Saturday and checked into our hotel...which was at the perfect location...only like five minutes from Busch Gardens. 

     Then, we got ready and headed to the amusement park. I rode a lot of the rides there but like I said, I was  chickened out for the coasters. Caleb rode the Griffon a couple of a times, though, and I got a picture of him on it. It's hard to tell where he is sitting but he is in the front row...I think 2nd or 3rd from the left. 

      Then, we went and walked around the animal exhibits for a while and then watched the acrobat performance in Italy. :-)  It was just an awesome time. When we got back to the hotel, Caleb had arranged for a trail of rose petals to be leading from the door to the bed...and then I got flowers too. It was just the absolute sweetest thing EVER!  :-)  Definitely the perfect anniversary getaway.

     And, on the way home, he stopped at the outlet mall and bought me two pairs of shoes I had refused to buy because they were too expensive...and said they were my anniversary present *GRIN*  even though the trip was our gift to each other this year!  He is just the sweetest!  I love you,'re the best husband EVER!

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