Monday, July 12, 2010

Noah's Doctor's Appointment

     We took Noah Bug to the doctor this afternoon and it's a good thing he did. He is teething but he also has a cold AND an ear infection. The good news is that he isn't running a fever anymore. The doctor went ahead and put him on an antibiotic so that should take care of the ear infection. I just feel so bad for the little guy...but SO glad that we chose to come home from our trip early. It always made me feel better knowing that my Mom was there with me with I didn't feel good, and I know that Noah is going to be the same way...I saw that when we walked in the door and he laughed and smiled and couldn't stop when I held him. :-)  It makes me feel SO good because I know the day will come when he won't need him Mommy like that anymore...just wanted to keep everyone updated. 

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